Humanities Events Archive: 2023/24 2023/24 | 2022/23 | 2021/22 | 2020/21 | 2019/20 Jun7Workshop on Narrative PossibilitiesMay23Medieval Studies Reunion PanelMay21McCarter Live at the Library: The Power of CHOICEMay21McGraw Center Faculty Event: Achieving Broader Impacts though Community-Engaged STEM TeachingMay16Is Theory Antisemitic?May13Peter Singer Farewell ConferenceMay9The Trenton Project: “Private Lives, Public Stories” ScreeningMay9Princeton Research Day 2024May7Pacific Power and Light: PoemsMay6Theater and Crisis: Myth, Memory, and Racial Reckoning in America, 1964–2020May6Princeton Law-Engaged Faculty Discuss their Research: The PLANT RetreatMay2Conjectures and Narratives: The Evidentiary Paradigm and the Semiotics of HistoryMay2IHUM Faber Lecture – Made Instrument: Art, Black Spirituality and Social LifeMay2The Potential Project – Presentations by students from HUM352: Arts in the Invisible CityMay2Arriving in the Present: A Critical Lexicon for Multilingualism and (Post-)Migration in Contemporary German StudiesMay1St. Tammany Day, 2024May1Creative Writing Seniors Reading: FictionMay1The Pastel from Mars ∙ A&A Haley LectureApr30LLL Presents – A History of the Muslim WorldApr30Chile 9/11 | HELL HAS NO LIMITS: JOSÉ DONOSO, 100 Years, A Laboratory of WritingApr30Computing the Difference Greece-Near-EastApr30Creative Writing Seniors Reading: Poetry, Translation & ScreenwritingApr30Spinoza and the Problem of ContingencyApr30The Rise of the Debut NovelApr29Author event: “Contact: Art and the Pull of Print”Apr29Africa in North African ImaginationApr28Sen @ 100: A Centennial Celebration of Mrinal Sen’s Life and WorkApr26Princeton French Film Festival | Screening of “Chocolat” (1988) followed by Q&A with Actor Isaach de BankoléApr26Princeton French Film Festival | Masterclass led by award-winning actor Isaach De Bankolé + Free DinnerApr26Cultural Encounters in Heterotopia: Shakespeare and East AsiaApr26Finish En Klaar? South African colloquialism for “over and done?”Apr25Biological Motion: A History of Life; and Of Human Born: Fetal Lives 1800-1850Apr25‘Participatory Design’ and Its Discontents: Inclusion and the Deferral of Indigenous Sovereignty in TaiwanApr25“Flentem Dicere Verum:” On non-satirical Latin SatiresApr24Princeton French Film Festival | Screening of “Houria (2022)Apr24The Boy from Clearwater: Book 1Apr24I Just Keep Talking: A Life in EssaysApr24CANCELLED: Under the Skin of History: A Conversation with Amazonian Indigenous Artist Denilson BaniwaApr24The Lost Chan Buddhist Teachings for Merchants in Khara-Khoto codex TK132 (and why they matter)Apr24Dangerous Flight: Amerindian Featherwork, Michelangelo, and the Violence of Natural HistoryApr22“Between Empires: Greek Slaves and Renegades in Ottoman North Africa (1600-1830)”Apr22On Albrecht Dürer: A Public ConversationApr21Princeton French Film Festival | Screening of “Animal Kingdom” (2023)Apr20L’Avant-Scène presents Le Dindon by Georges Feydeau / 20th Anniversary of L’Avant-ScèneApr20Panel discussion – Twenty Years of French Theater at PrincetonApr20Princeton French Film Festival | Screening of “Coco Farm” (2023)Apr19L’Avant-Scène presents Le Dindon by Georges Feydeau / 20th Anniversary of L’Avant-ScèneApr19Mr g: A Play about the CreationApr19Degrowth Communism in the Age of Planetary CrisisApr19Cultural Policy in the 21st CenturyApr19A Conversation with Pierre Gendronneau, Deputy Director of Festival d’AvignonApr19What is slave agency and how did it affect the history of ancient societies?Apr19Beyond Provenance: Reconstructing RecordsApr18L’Avant-Scène presents Le Dindon by Georges Feydeau / 20th Anniversary of L’Avant-ScèneApr18Film Screening: Ex-Shaman (2018)Apr18A Conversation with Sandy Ouvrier, Director of CNSAD, Paris National Conservatory for Dramatic ArtsApr18Bye Bye Tiberias Documentary Screening and Q&A with Director Lina SoualemApr18When Gnosis Was a World Religion: Henri-Charles Puech and Gilles Quispel at AsconaApr18Rewriting the history of Greek slave systemsApr18Reading the Future in the Paintings of the Past: Bark, Beetles, and Arboreal ArtApr17Princeton French Film Festival | Screening of “Passages” (2023)Apr17LLL Presents – We Are the Leaders We Have Been Waiting ForApr17PISC no. 7: “Mastering Maliki Law: A Moroccan Case Study”Apr17Photo History’s Futures: Emilie BooneApr17Problematic Analogies: Diplomatic Exchange and the Discourse of Legitimacy in Early Medieval ChinaApr17Native Jurisdictions and Belonging in the 18th-Century Great LakesApr17Through the Lens of Memory: Photo Topographies of a Concentration CampApr17Three Lectures on the Ecologies of Nature, Poetry, and Ethics – No. 3Apr17LLM Forum: Tal Linzen with Tania Lombrozo (topic: understanding)Apr17Replicating the typology of linguistic inferences using non-words: From gestures to sound effects to emojiApr17Princeton French Film Festival | Why French Cinema? MasterclassApr17Lunch Seminar with Kostas VlassopoulosApr16Princeton French Film Festival | Screening of “Saint Omer” (2022) by Alice Diop followed by Q&A with filmmakerApr16Who’s Afraid of Gender?Apr16Spring Student ReadingApr16Revisiting the History of Academic Freedom and Free SpeechApr16Indigenous Poetics from Abya YalaApr16Cosmopoetics: Three Lectures on the Ecologies of Nature, Poetry, and Ethics – No. 2Apr16Disinformation, Race and Finding the FactsApr16Disinformation, Race and Finding the FactsApr16Disinformation, Race and Finding the FactsApr16Disinformation, Race and Finding the FactsApr15Relatives: A lecture from Chris T. CorneliusApr15Still We Rise Documentary Screening and Panel Discussion with Director John Harvey and BlackStar Projects moderated by Dr. Anna Arabindan-KessonApr15Cosmopoetics: Three Lectures on the Ecologies of Nature, Poetry, and Ethics – No. 1Apr14Princeton French Film Festival | Screening of “Toni” (2023) by Nathan AmbrosioniApr13Princeton French Film Festival | Screening of Ousmane Sembène’s classic “Black Girl” (1966) and Q&A with Johanna MakabiApr13Princeton French Film Festival | Screening of Le Petit Nicolas, Quest-ce qu’on attend pour être heureux (2022)Apr12Princeton French Film Festival | Screening of The Braid (2023) by Laetitia ColombaniApr12Ungroomed Renaissance: Josquin’s Missa L’ami Baudichon; Songs and MotetsApr12Reasons to Believe: Enlightenment and the SacredApr12Who Owns the Sky?Apr12“The Circumstance of Poetry, between Aesthetics and Politics: Revisiting the Leivaditis / Anagnostakis Debate”Apr12Beyond Provenance: Revisioning MaterialApr12Undocumented. Black. Citizen.Apr12Modernism and its EnvironmentsApr12Spectral Cartographies: Haunting and Greco-Roman AntiquityApr12Troubadours and Sonneteers: A Conference on Global Culture, Performance, and the Matter of DisplayApr12Ecstatic Devotions: A Conversation on Indian Ocean World Ritual and PerformanceApr11Environmentalism from Below: How People’s Movements Are Leading the Fight for Our PlanetApr11The Politics of Testimony. On Violence, Literature and MourningApr11“Can It Happen Here? Did It Happen Here? A Debate about FacismApr11Disputes with Vehemence: Historical Transition and Violent Disagreements in Tragedy from the Greeks to Chinua Achebe and Toni MorrisonApr11Reasons to Believe: Enlightenment and the SacredApr112024 Anthony B. Evnin Lecture with Janna Levin: Black Hole BluesApr11EHL Seminar: “Saint Olav’s Axe: Driftwood, Power, and Artistic Invention on Medieval Iceland”Apr11Rebuilding Community: Displaced Women and the Making of a Shia Ismaili Muslim SocialityApr11European Cultural Studies & Contemporary European Politics and Society Sophomore Open HouseApr10Emotions of Conflict – Between Fear, Anger and Solidarity : Israel 1949-1967Apr10Can ChatGPT think?Apr10The Marius B. Jansen Memorial Lecture | The Machine in the Ocean: Japanese Fisheries and the Industrialization of the PacificApr10feminist soapbox: a reading & conversation with Yara Rodrigues FowlerApr10McGraw Center Special Event: Civic, Liberal, and Global Education: Designing a New First-Year CurriculumApr10Antikythera: Philosophy of Planetary Computation in the Design Studio (Recent Projects and Provocations)Apr10Towards Textile SpecificityApr9Princeton French Film Festival | Book Discussion on Laetitia Colombani’s bestseller “The Braid”Apr9LLL Presents — Sito: An American Teenager and the City that Failed HimApr9Praisesong for the Kitchen Ghosts: A Reading and Book SigningApr9The Ends of a CriticApr9Plein de choses sont possiblesApr9Hellenic & Medieval Studies Sophomore Open HouseApr9Pygmalion’s Poetics: Nature, Gender, and the CriticApr9Medieval Faculty Colloquium: “How Did Governors and Buddhist Monks Deal with Epidemics in Medieval China?”Apr8Program in Humanistic Studies Open HouseApr8Visiting Artist’s Talk with Alex TurgeonApr8The Justice John Marshall Harlan Lecture in Constitutional AdjudicationApr8Caterina’s SmileApr6Guided tour of “Ulises Carrión: Bookworks and Beyond” with guest artists Camilo Otero and Eva Parra of Calipso PressApr5Pamela Z Meets The Animal Song CollectiveApr5“Myth, Fiction and Truth: Gregory Nazianzen’s Approach to Mythological Material”Apr5Regards croisés – Innovative Projects in Language Teaching: Integrating Language and Content (Panel session)Apr5Who’s your tent-buddy? The social worlds of Athenian womenApr5Metamorphic Matter: Elemental Imagery in Early Modern Art ∙ Robert Janson-La Palme *76 Conference and KeynoteApr4[CANCELLED] An evening with Orlando | Carl E. Schorske Memorial LectureApr4The Society for Seventeenth-Century Music | Introducing Cavalli’s Veremonda, l’amazzone di Aragona (1652)Apr4Each One Another: The Self in Contemporary ArtApr4Artist Conversation: Christina Fernandez and James WellingApr4Minor Detail: Trespassing the Limits of LanguageApr4Regards Croisés – Innovative Projects in Language Teaching: Integrating Language and ContentApr4The Mary Underground: Subterranean Global VirginsApr4Antinoos on the risks of getting too drunkApr4Spring 2024 Anschutz Lecture: Food Culture, Food Justice, Food ArtApr4Sheltering in StyleApr4To Speak No MoreApr3Lessons for Survival: Mothering against the ApocalypseApr3Islam and Antiblackness: Religion and the Public ConversationApr3Strange Tales from Edo: Rewriting Chinese Fiction in Early Modern JapanApr3Know How: Workshops on the Histories of Art and CraftApr3Program in Linguistics Sophomore Open House 2024Apr3“The Roman Army in the Diaspora Revolt in Egypt: New Insights from a Latin Papyrus”Apr3Re-Orient-ation: Gender Transformation within Oriental ContextsApr3Francis and NatureApr2Inaugural Branden Hookway InterfaceApr2The Caribbean Artists Movement: New PerspectivesApr1Why Is Sex a “Thing”? Making Relations against a Colonial World | Meredith Miller Memorial LectureApr1The 44th Annual Carolyn L. Drucker Memorial Lecture “Embassies of Joy”Apr1Strange Life Cycle: Works Enter the Public Domain, But How Do They Get There?Mar292024 Post-Professional M.Arch Thesis Exhibition at Cheryl Hazan GalleryMar29Interspecies Communication: Sound and Music beyond HumanityMar29Telling the Story of Derek Parfit’s LifeMar29The Adventures of the “Greek Genius” in Modern TimesMar29Clay, Sand, Water, Hand, Body, Mind, Form, God: Crafting Belief in Ancient ItalyMar29FIT Graduate Conference: “(Das) Unheimliche”Mar28American Sign Language Storytelling with Peter CookMar28The Conversation Pit: 20 Years of LogMar28LLL Presents — Letters to a Biographer and Short StoriesMar28EHL Seminar: “Connecting With a Remembered Past: Uncovering the Layers of Disease, Death, Motherhood, and Magic in a Late Antique Rural Roman Community”Mar28“State Papers and Sovereignty in the Revolutionary Atlantic World”Mar28“What is, it already was, and what will be, it already is”…Time and Text as a Creative LensMar27Imagining the Indian – Film Screening and Filmmakers’ TalkMar27Black Legend: The Many Lives of Raúl Grigera and the Power of Racial Storytelling in ArgentinaMar27Small Presses and Little Magazines in New York in the 1970sMar27“The Greater Sea”: The Black Sea and Medieval EurasiaMar27Temporal Coordination as a Hallmark of Metrical Prominence Across LanguagesMar27[POSTPONED] Health Reforms in Latin AmericaMar27State Cynicism, Violence, Deaths, and the (Im)Possibility of Politics in ZimbabweMar26Reading by Khaled Mattawa and Hiroko Oyamada with translator David BoydMar26Colonial ToxicityMar26Nationalism, “The East” and “The West” in Greece, 1830-1930Mar26Teaching for the Questions: Jill Dolan in Conversation with Judith HameraMar26Comparative Diplomatics: “The growth of the mestizo sangley in early 17th century Manila as seen in two 1630s documents”Mar26The French Resistance and the Persecution of the Jews during WWIIMar26Legal Issues in Computational Research Using Text and Data MiningMar26A Conversation with Argentinian Filmmaker Benjamín ÁvilaMar25Plants as Inventors: A lecture from Catherine SeavittMar25Ge’ez Script Primer (Part 2)Mar25Kevin Andrews and the Castles of the Morea, AIA Ettinghausen LectureMar25Mellon Forum // Propertied Power and Infrastructures of Resistance in the Urban NorthMar22Beyond Provenance: Recording SitesMar22Performing the Peace, film screening and performanceMar22Workshop On Morphology at PrincetonMar21Film Screening and Q&A: StonebreakersMar21Ajami Archives and Knowledge Production about AfricaMar21China 1949: A Year of ChoicesMar21Beyond Minority: Exploring Identity and Resistance in Anti-Caste Pasmanda Muslim DiscourseMar21James A. Moffett ’29 Lectures in Ethics: “What’s Wrong with Anti-Racism”Mar212023-24 Old Dominion Public Lecture Series – Story as SurvivalMar21PLAS Graduate Workshop | Fernanda Conforto de Oliveira & Daniel PersiaMar20LLL Presents — A Chance Meeting: Encounters between American Writers and ArtistsMar20Playwright Larissa FastHorse and Director Michael John Garcés in ConversationMar20PISC no. 6: “Sex, Homoeroticism, and Persian Literature in 19th-century India”Mar20Ecotheories Colloquium: “Black Star: Charles Hérard-Dumesle’s Haitian Naturalism”Mar20Operational opacity at the clausal middlefieldMar19“Navalny” Film Screening and discussion with Christo GrozevMar19Media and Modernity: “In the Black Fantastic”Mar19Goethe’s Philosophical LexiconMar19Committee for the Study of Books & Media | “Lay Readings of the Bible in the Seventeenth-Century Atlantic World”Mar19‘Just Another Boss:’ Autogestion, Workers’ Control, and the Fate of Socialism in Chile, 1972Mar19Medieval Faculty Colloquium: “How Tang Literature Became ‘Ancient’: Evolving Models of Tang Dynasty Literary History in the Northern Song”Mar18Persuasion: Oratory and the NovelMar18Mellon Forum // Escape from Liberty Island: Lower Manhattan Against the World, 1973-2001Mar18A German Vasari? Johann Neudörffer’s “Notes on Nuremberg’s Artists and Craftsmen” (1547)Mar7Fabric Object: Agrest and GandelsonasMar7Launching a Digital History Lab for the Twenty-First Century: Concepts, Methods, and InstitutionsMar7Americans Abroad in the Seventeenth Century: People, Buildings, and the Space of EmpireMar7Libraries, Encyclopedias, and Other LabyrinthsMar6Notes on a Critical Theory out of SchellingMar6Gauss Seminars in Criticism: Denise Ferreira da SilvaMar6The Donald S. Bernstein ’75 Lectures Present “AI and the Law”Mar6[POSTPONED] Vajrasattva and the Wheel: Investigating a mysterious object from Dunhuang Cave 17Mar6‘Rhyming Back Into the Canon’: An Anthology of Queer Roman VerseMar6Scholarly panel: Ulises Carrión: Bookworks and BeyondMar6Teaching in the Kitchen: Hands-on Workshop by Spatula&BarcodeMar5Reading Symptoms and Enjoyments | A lecture from K Michael HaysMar5Sovereign Materials: Tragedy, Extraction, and the Settler Colonial MindsetMar5Literary Theory for RobotsMar5[POSTPONED] Trans Talmud: Religion and the Public ConversationMar5Nat Turner and the Late Emancipation NovelMar5Long Night with Fidel Castro: Intellectuals Discuss the Cuban RevolutionMar5Medieval Studies Faculty Colloquium: “Burial Archaeology and the Justinianic Plague”Mar4“Galoot” Film ScreeningMar2Free Screening of “The Rapture” (2023) + Q&A with Director Iris KaltenbäckMar1A Poetics of Postmourning: Elegy and the CaribbeanMar1McGraw Center Faculty Workshop: Flipping the ClassroomFeb292024 Womxn in Design and Architecture Conference: Alero Olympio: Activated MatterFeb29Ancient, Indigenous, and Modern Plays from Africa and the DiasporaFeb29“State and Nation Making in Latin America and Spain”Feb29Stewart Lecture in Religion – Simone Weil and Etty Hillesum: Saints? Masochists? Both? Neither?Feb29Empires of galanterie: The Transformations of the Imperial Imagination in Eighteenth-century FranceFeb29Screening event: PBS American Experience “Freedom Riders”Feb29Movies For Your Mind: Translating Research into Artful Audio StorytellingFeb28PISC no.5: “The Poet of Islam”: The Reception of Muhammad Iqbal in EgyptFeb28Into the Forever and Beautiful Sky: Animal Brutality in a Galaxy of Limitless CapitalismFeb28“Trading Goods and Exchanging Faiths in the Late Antique Red Sea”Feb282023-24 Old Dominion Public Lecture Series – Reading (like a translator?): The War-time Poetry of René CharFeb28Friends of Princeton University Library Small Talk: “When Books Went to War”Feb27Media and Modernity: “Ars::longa”Feb27“A Better World for Migrants in Latin America and the Caribbean”Feb27Antonin Artaud, Made in USAFeb27Edward Said ’57 Memorial Lecture | Radiance in Pain and Resilience: The Global Reverberation of Palestinian Historical TraumaFeb27Navigating the Emotional Layers and Subtext of a PoemFeb26Philosophies of DefeatFeb26The Promise and Peril of Large Language Models for Cultural AnalyticsFeb26On Translating Qiu Jin: To Meet a Kindred Spirit Who Cherishes the Same SongsFeb23Restored Chinese Film ClassicsFeb23Seeing and Hearing Divine Music in Ancient Greek ArtFeb22The New York Arabic Orchestra presents “Mosaic” فسيفساء – featuring Layth SidiqFeb22From Resistance to Resilience—Stories from the Urban Risk LabFeb22Magus: The Art of Magic from Faustus to AgrippaFeb22Sarah Lee Elson, Class of 1984, International Artist-in-Residence TalkFeb22Rose and Isaac Ebel Lecture – History for the Future: Creating Archives of WarFeb22The Girl Before Her – Uprooting and Intergenerational TransmissionFeb22The Journalism of ReparationsFeb22“Catastrophe and More-than-Human Worlds”Feb22Methodologies for Literary Study: A Lunchtime Workshop Discussion for Graduate StudentsFeb21MAKAFeb21Hatred, Discrimination, and Violence: Russia, Ukraine, War, and OrthodoxyFeb21Macroeconomic and Development Challenges in Latin AmericaFeb21Ethiopia and the Art of Cross-Cultural ExchangeFeb21LLM Forum: Simon DeDeo with Arthur Spirling (topic: models)Feb21The Histories of CatharsisFeb21Translating Genre FictionFeb20Reading by David Henry Hwang & Ilya KaminskyFeb20Media and Modernity Doctoral Colloquium | Spring 2024Feb20Book Talk: ‘Undermining the State from Within: The Institutional Legacies of Civil War in Central America’Feb20‘The Hot Center’: The Literary Establishment, circa 1963Feb19Hergé et l’art de la bande dessinéeFeb19Mellon Forum // Against the Rule of Property: Violence, Land Reclamation, and DecolonizationFeb19Dhwani and the Art of Non-Binary TranslationFeb17Mediated Spiritualities: A Colloquium Exploring Global Enclosures, Disclosures, Possibilities, LimitationsFeb16Thomas Edison Film Festival Premiere ScreeningFeb15SoA | Brazil / Pertenencia & PertinenciaFeb15Buddhist Practice Theory and Animal EthicsFeb15Althusser in Yugoslavia: On the Pre-History of the Ljubljana School of PhilosophyFeb15On two types of resumptive Ā-dependencies and feature-driven syntaxFeb14[RESCHEDULED for 2/14] Performance, Policy, and Pedagogy: A Conversation About Arts EducationFeb14Technocracy and Porcelain Manufacture at Early to Mid Qing Court (1720s-1750s)Feb14“They Opened Our Eyes”: Armed Groups’ Influence on Civilian Political Beliefs in Rural Antioquia, ColombiaFeb13PISC nº4: “Suret-i hall ve fasl: The Ottoman Central Government’s Quest for a General ‘Way of Solution’ to Land Question”Feb13Scenario for a Past Future and Avant-Garde Immersive Worlds, a panel discussionFeb13Introduction to Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR)Feb13Open Secrets: Using Google to Uncover Global CrimesFeb12People on Sunday: A Conversation about Music and FilmFeb12“El Greco’s Synagonism: Art Theory and Practice“Feb12Mellon Forum // Soil Forensics: Property and the Buried Truth in MedellínFeb11Free Screening of “Return to Seoul” + Q&A with Director Davy ChouFeb11National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine & Post-Concert ConversationFeb10L’Avant-Scène presents Andromaque by Jean RacineFeb9L’Avant-Scène presents Andromaque by Jean RacineFeb8L’Avant-Scène presents Andromaque by Jean RacineFeb8“Was There a Syriac Lectio Divina? The Development of Contemplative Reading in the Monasteries of the Church of the East (400-700 C.E.)”Feb8Computational sociolinguistics: How lexical meaning is dynamically constructed across partners and communitiesFeb7Paper Exhibitions: From Magazine to Museum in France and the AmericasFeb7Displaced Decoration: Ethnographic Photography, Indigenous Portraiture, and the Rookwood Pottery CompanyFeb7What’s in Universal Grammar? On participles and the inventory of grammatical primitivesFeb7Racial Rage, Racial Guilt: The Uses of Anger in Asian AmericaFeb7CDH Collaborative Research Grant Information SessionFeb6The Abundance of Medieval Literature: An Eco-Computational PerspectiveFeb5LLL Presents — Imagination: A ManifestoFeb5Ecotheories Colloquium: “Dams that Save: Law, Beavers, and the Making of the Yukon River”Feb5Public Interest and State Legitimation: Early Modern England, Japan, and ChinaFeb5McGraw Center Faculty Discussion: Accessibility as a Care Practice in the Classroom and BeyondFeb2McGraw Center Faculty Workshop: Active Learning: Tech Tools and Analog ApproachesFeb1Resisting Gravity: A lecture from John McMorroughFeb1Writers Out: an evening of fiction and poetryFeb1Waapance! ‘Let it Light!’: Awakening Myaamia ‘Miami Indian’ Storytelling PracticesFeb1Locality and linguistic theory: The crucial role of African tone languagesJan31silver through the grass like nothing (a new work in-process)Jan31Scenario for a Past Future, Exhibition Opening ReceptionJan31Eberhard L. Faber IV Memorial Lecture: Writing About Eastern Europe in Troubled TimesJan31“Presbyterianism and Enlightenment”Jan31Is prediction multilevel grammatical inference?Jan22Waldemar Cordeiro: Bits of the PlanetDec13“Type of Contact Matters: Prosocial Behaviour Towards Asylum Seekers and the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Greece”Dec11“Expertise and Experience in the Greek Feminist Birth Control Movement, 1974-1986”Dec8The Harmonious al-AndalusDec8“Manifestations of Policy Learning in Greece and Southern Europe: The Case of EU Soft Law”Dec8Public Philosophy in Classical Greece: 470-370 BCEDec7“1784, Year of Quiet Revolutions in North American Empires” | Colonial and Revolutionary Americas WorkshopDec7Gastronativism: Food, Identity, PoliticsDec7“EHL and ART478 Present… A Viking Funeral!”Dec7Africa & Byzantium at The MetDec7“Sensory Stimuli And The Construction Of Monarchical Power In Roman Processions”Dec6Science and Social Justice Salon: Sex and Gender ComplexityDec6“‘Tafaḍḍal,’ Come in and Delve!” – Or How to Sense the In/Visible Space in Manuscripts of the Islamic WorldDec6Sex and Gender Complexity in Scientific ResearchDec6China: From a Nationless State to a Nation Defined by StateDec6A Conversation on Literature and the Climate Crisis with Pierre DucrozetDec6Information structure insights from sign language anaphoraDec62023-24 Old Dominion Public Lecture Series – Women’s Property and the Downward Spiral into Fraud: Questioning the Persistent Narrative of Progress in Women’s Legal StatusDec6Readings from The Princeton Comics NotebookDec6Medieval Faculty Colloquium: “Engaging the Sensoria in Premodern Qur’an Commentary”Dec5L’Avant-Scène presents Fragments XXIIIDec5PISC Paper nº3: “Ripple Effects of Arabization. Coptic History and Memory in late-medieval Egypt”Dec5The Buddhist and the Ethicist: Conversations on Effective Altruism, Engaged Buddhism, and MoreDec5Writing in Good Faith for Reading in Bad Faith, Or: Making Literature in the Age of HatersDec5Kwartler Family Lecture – How did Helena of Adiabene Become Queen of Jerusalem?Dec4PHS & LLL Present – Meth Lunches: Food and Longing in an American CityDec4Fall Student ReadingDec4Photo History’s Futures: Aglaya GlebovaDec4Political Imaginaries Unmoored: Beyond the Universal and ParticularDec4Reading by award-winning writer Caoilinn HughesDec3LLL Presents Mihret Sibhat & Wendy Belcher – “The History of a Difficult Child: a Novel”Dec2Journalism and Democracy: 2023 Public Humanities ForumDec1“How did Byzantines Read Herodotus? The Case of Marginalia in Verse”Nov30The Priest Nichiren’s Miraculous Escape from Death and Its Modern Skeptics: Negotiating History and Myth in a Japanese Buddhist TraditionNov30The Ovide moralisé: The Divine Comedy of Medieval France?Nov30When Pages Breathe: Adaptation of Modern Classics with Pulitzer Prize-winning Hodder Fellow Martyna MajokNov30“Belonging to a ‘Lost’ Island: Sovereignty, Memory, and Landscape on Imbros”Nov29Film Screening: “Goodbye Julia”Nov29“Of Rule and Office: Plato’s Ideas of the Political”Nov29Xiaoshuo as China’s Fourth Religion: Pitfalls and Potentials of Vernacular Literature in the late Qing (1644-1911 CE)Nov29“‘The Syriac Dots:’ Oral Reading Traditions Recorded in Ink”Nov29HOS Colloquia: Listening to Albert the Great on the Art of Becoming a Natural ScientistNov29Sinews of the Soul: Comparing Christian Baptism and Indigenous AdoptionNov29Ticha: archival texts, linguistic analysis, and language activismNov29Plato on the Spirit of the LawNov28“Beyond Reparations: Post-Colonial Loudreaders, Colonial Footprints, and the case for white studies”Nov28“Prickly Moses: Poems” & “Aurora Americana: Poems”Nov28Reading by Kwame Dawes and Creative Writing SeniorsNov28When Pages Breathe: Bringing Literature to Life — An Oral Interpretation of The Great GatsbyNov28“I Judge No One: A Political Life of Jesus”Nov28Medieval Faculty Colloquium: “El Greco – Architect?”Nov28When Pages Breathe: Immersive Elocution of Literature, an installationNov27The Unburied: Material Histories of Film in the Owens ValleyNov27Ukraine, War, Love: Olena Stiazhkina and Dominique Hoffman on Writing and Translating WarNov27The Prado at PrincetonNov17Princeton Pianists Ensemble Presents: AuroraNov17“Byzantium Revisited: A Focus on Modern Greek Painting”Nov17UCHV Film Forum: Conversation with Agnieszka HollandNov17Princeton Poetry FestivalNov17All The Things They Wish They SaidNov16UCHV Film Forum: “The Green Border” (2023), a film by Agnieszka HollandNov16“Marcel Proust”Nov16Decolonization of Higher Education in East AfricaNov16Severe Brain Injury, Neuroethics & Disability Rights: Why the Sciences & Humanities must be in ConversationNov16“The Shape of Water – Surveying the Aqueducts of the Knossos Region in Crete”Nov15“The State”Nov15“Tricks of the Light”Nov15“Reconnection, Resistance, and Land Back”Nov15The Poetics of Reading: In Conversation with Maureen N. McLane and Rowan Ricardo PhillipsNov15Manuscript and the Human in Modern ChinaNov15Jonah, or the Prophet At Sea: Hélène Cixous On ProphecyNov15What is the Value of Literature in the Internet Age? Calvino’s Six Memos for the Next Millennium as a Guide to Meaningful Digital CommunicationNov15Humanities and Beyond: Council Funding Information SessionNov14Reading by Marlon James & Patricia SmithNov14Atelier@Large: Conversations on Art-making in a Vexed Era – Andrey Kurkov and Alan LightmanNov14Thomas Mann’s Princeton ExileNov14Comparative Diplomatics: “How can Jesuits be mistaken for Buddhist monks? Ōuchi Yoshinaga’s 1552 commendation and its Portuguese and Latin Afterlives”Nov142023-24 Old Dominion Public Lecture Series – Painting in Common: Works of Love from Denmark’s Modern BreakthroughNov13Our AI Futures: Critical Humanistic PerspectivesNov13Clinical Trials in Psychedelic Research: Implications for the Alleviation of End-of-Life Existential Distress and the Study of Religious ExperienceNov13Sociolinguistic Challenges for Emerging Speech TechnologyNov13From the Cloud to the ResistanceNov13McGraw Center Faculty Workshop: AI and Our Classrooms – Generating Images with DALL-E 2Nov10Film Screening: Perfect Days by Wim WendersNov10Lecture & Reading by Louise KennedyNov10Tanner Lectures on Human Values-“The Last Dystopia: Historicizing the Anthropocene Debate in an Age of Multipolarity: Lecture II: Polycrisis”Nov10“To put back all the things people cluttered up…To Straighten, like a diligent Housekeeper of Reality…”: The Greek, Roman and Byzantine collections at MFA Boston re-imaginedNov10“Disfigurement, Disability, and the Dangers of Punishment in Byzantium: The Case of Punitive Blinding”Nov10Building Life: Spatial Politics, Science, and Environmental EpistemesNov9L’Avant-Scène presents “Le Iench” by Eva DoumbiaNov9LLL Presents Melvin Rogers & Eddie Glaude – “The Darkened Light of Faith: Race, Democracy, and Freedom in African American Political Thought”Nov9Anschutz Lecture – Activism at the Intersections of Race and Youth: Prairie View A&M University, Black Colleges & the Fight for Voting RightsNov9From The Tokyo Toilet to Perfect DaysNov9EHL Seminar: “The Long Shadow of the 536 CE Event”Nov9Tanner Lectures on Human Values: “The Last Dystopia: Historicizing the Anthropocene Debate in an Age of Multipolarity: Lecture 1–Beyond the Unipolar Moment”Nov9“The ‘Long Road’ to the Identification of the Worshipped Deity – The Case of the Sanctuary of Demeter on Mount Ithome in Ancient Messene”Nov9The End of Popular Participation? City Politics in Post-Imperial HispaniaNov9McGraw Center Faculty Workshop: Flipping the ClassroomNov8LLL Presents Angus Deaton & Matthew Desmond: “Economics in America”Nov8“The True Adventures of His Life”: A Centenary Celebration for Victor BrombertNov8On the Integral Nature of the Zuo zhuan 左傳 (Zuo Tradition) as Seen from Such Factors as Character DevelopmentNov8LLM Forum: A Conversation with Wai Chee DimockNov8Le Théâtre d’Eva Doumbia Conversation avec Florent MasseNov8Mellon Forum // The Cost of BordersNov7“On Modern Living”Nov7Eberhard L. Faber Class of 1915 Memorial Lecture in Literature: A Long History of PandemicsNov7HMEI Faculty Seminar – Visuality Against the Anthropocene: Landscape Vision and Things That Do Not SeeNov6Chile 9/11 Series | Ariel Florencia Richards: Copello InterruptusNov6Unwelcoming Hermeneutics: Placing Multilingualism in Critical TheoryNov6Ideologies of Economy: Narrative Subversion in German Poetic RealismNov3Third Annual Munsee Language and History SymposiumNov2An Evening with Jhumpa Lahiri & Zahid ChaudharyNov2Towards a New History of Ukraine: Writing Women’s Lives into War and PostwarNov2France: quelle égalité, quelle fraternité aujourd’hui?Nov2Dalits and the Anti-Caste Epistemology: From Oral to Literary Tradition in Telugu CountryNov2Ideologies of resilience in ancient Roman architectureNov2Screening of “Il Moro (The Moor)” and Conversation with Filmmaker Daphne Di CintoNov2“Byzantium Revisited: A Focus on Modern Greek Painting”Nov2The Family Roe: The unknown woman at the heart of Roe v. WadeNov2Medieval and Early Modern German Studies Graduate ColloquiumNov1Ukrainian Poetry in Translation with Ilya Kaminsky, Katie Farris, Maya Chabra, Andrew Janco & Olga LivshinNov1History (Re)incarnate: George Eliot and Qurratulain HyderOct31“Art’s Properties”Oct31Documenting Violence in Writing and TranslationOct31Medieval Faculty Colloquium: “How Japan Became Known as the Land of the Rising Sun: The Enduring Influence of the Seventeen Commandments of 604”Oct31Chile 9/11 Series | Alfredo Castro: A Political Retrospective (Film Series)Oct30Circular ConnectingOct30Bain-Swiggett Library Open House with Patricia SmithOct30The Language of War: Rage, Love, MemoryOct27Documentary Screening & Panel Discussion “A Spear Through the Heart”Oct27“Language and the Irish Novel,” a talk and reading by Barry McCreaOct274th Annual Mid-Atlantic Ottomanist WorkshopOct27La Pisada Del Ñandú / The Rhea’s FootprintOct27Angelus Novus-Balancing Act from the Cosmological, Architectonic, Moral and Aesthetic Points of ViewOct27Re/Framing Eastern European CinemaOct27Conference: Finished? Early Modern Arts in the Imperfect TenseOct26Violence on Land and BodyOct26LAMB Workshop: ‘Lapidatores, Percussores Urbisque Depopulatores’: Urban Violence in the Chronicle of Marcellinus ComesOct26PISC workshop: “Are There Post-Mamluk Encyclopedias? Yusuf al-Shirbīni’s Hazz al-Quhuf (c. 1097/1686)”Oct26The Art of Losing or The Afterlives of the Algerian War: A Conversation with Alice ZeniterOct26Fatal Forgiveness: Euripides, Austin, Cavell, ArendtOct26Traz d’horizonte: Impressions from Cabo VerdeOct26Q&A with Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie | Africa World Lecture SeriesOct26Writing a Feminist Epic: A Conversation about ‘Las Extraterrestres’Oct26(Re)Discovery: Modernist Travelogues by Sofia Yablonska, A Daring Ukrainian Woman Globetrotting in the 1930sOct26Public Humanities Across BordersOct26McGraw Center Faculty Workshop: Using Social Annotation to Increase Student EngagementOct25LLL Presents – Tabula Rasa, Vol. 1Oct25Caravaggio and the Echos of FigurationOct25LLM Forum: A Conversation with Meredith WhittakerOct25The Archaeology of Everyday Life in Late Medieval JapanOct25Africa World Lecture Series: Chimamanda Ngozi AdichieOct25CANCELLED – Introducing Grapholinguistics: Why and How a Linguist Studies Writing SystemsOct25Were the Ancient Greeks Responsible for Antisemitism?Oct25Femmes et Fictions Littéraires: Conversation avec Alice ZeniterOct25Mellon Forum // Three Propositions on the Relationship between Spatial Settings and Emotional AttachmentsOct25“Europe’s Coming of Age”Oct25McGraw Center Faculty Drop-in Session: Custom Course Evaluation QuestionsOct24Le Théâtre d’Alice Zeniter: Conversation avec Florent MasseOct24“Political Disappointment: A Cultural History from Reconstruction to the AIDS Crisis”Oct24The Nassau Literary Review’s 181st Anniversary Conference: Diversity and Representation in NassLit and Princeton’s HistoryOct24Gauss Seminars in Criticism: Silvia FedericiOct24Princeton Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)Oct24“Good Music and Bad Music in Late Antiquity”Oct24“Value and slavery, or the longue durée of the analog-digital distinction”Oct24On ‘Political Disappointment’ and its Origins in a Princeton English DissertationOct23The Flowers of Andromache: Allegory and the Ontological DifferenceOct23The First Kings of Europe: An International Exhibition about the Prehistoric BalkansOct23McGraw Center Faculty Workshop: AI and Our ClassroomsOct12Splendors and Miseries of Lies. Autofiction, Exofiction, Ego Histoire, and the Question of TruthOct12Seeking Justice: The Civil Rights Movement and the Federal GovernmentOct12LLL Presents – “Necessary Trouble: Growing up at Mid-Century”Oct11Chile 9/11 Series | Nona Fernández: ¿Cómo recordar la sed?/ How to Remember the Thirst?Oct11Fluid Futures Forum: Islands, Oceans and Volcanoes in TransformationOct11Ada Lovelace Day Graduate MixerOct11The Sergei Loznitsa SymposiumOct11Documenting War CrimesOct11Mytelka Memorial Lecture – The Yiddish of the Islamic World? When did Jews adopt Arabic and how did this change Jewish Literature?Oct10Atelier@Large: Conversations on Art-making in a Vexed EraOct10LLL Presents Boo Trundle & Christie Henry – “The Daughter Ship: A Novel”Oct10When Pages Breathe: Bringing Good Books to Life – An evening of reader’s theaterOct10“Architecture’s Theory”Oct10A Film Composer Fails Magnificently: Subjectivity and The Invention of Meaning in Film ScoringOct10The Sergei Loznitsa SymposiumOct10Mytelka Memorial Seminar – The Jewish Bookshelf in Medieval Cairo: Book Lists from the Cairo GenizahOct10Mining a Toxic Quarry: Louise Dupin’s Construction of the Work on WomenOct10Chile 9/11 Series | Diamela Eltit: ‘Lumpérica’ 40 Years, A SymposiumOct10Writing and Translating Poetry in Times of WarOct10McGraw Center Faculty Roundtable: Teaching Native American and Indigenous StudiesOct9Ernst Haas: Letters & StoriesOct9Qohelet: Searching for a Life Worth LivingOct6Smells, Sounds and Textures of Iberian Modernity: Spain’s Perfumed ModernityOct5LLL Presents – “48 Clues into the Disappearance of My Sister & Zero-Sum: Stories”Oct5Gillett G. Griffin Lecture: “Deep Colonial Waters: Wars, Bankruptcy, Natural Catastrophes, Pandemics and Healing Through Art”Oct5McGraw Center Faculty Discussion: Mentoring Supports for Faculty: An Info Gathering LuncheonOct4LLL Presents – “Journeys of the Mind: A Life in History”Oct4Faculty Panel | Perspectives on Doug Aitken’s migration (empire)Oct4Environmental Humanities Colloquium: An Immense WorldOct4McGraw Center Faculty Discussion: A Conversation about Content WarningsOct4Sovereignty through Praxis: Contemporary Quechua Weaving from PeruOct4The 2023-24 Frederick W. Mote Memorial Lecture: The Sacrificial Body of Moye: Affect and Materiality in the Forging of Wu-Yue SwordsOct4Economic Challenges Amidst Times of Crisis in Latin AmericaOct3ALTHEA Reading: by Ling Ma & Sandra CisnerosOct3Panel: Creativity in the Age of ChatGPTOct3“Birdcalls: A roundtable”Oct3Princeton University Library Author Talk: Ryo Morimoto “Nuclear Ghost”Oct3Homer’s Hippiad: From the First Deaths to the Last WordOct3The Future of Hong Kong: Is free speech dead?Oct3A Conversation with Peruvian Filmmaker Melina LeónOct2Racial politics in Latin AmericaOct2Mellon Forum: ‘Faith Shines Equal’ / Airport SublimeOct1Timbuktu Grooves Festival: DjandjobaSep30Timbuktu Grooves Festival: Fatoumata DiawaraSep29Timbuktu Grooves Festival: Once the Dust Settles Flowers BloomSep29Concert: “Greek Rock Sounds: Rhythms and Riffs Across Cultures” featuring PANELSep29Structuring Itelmen Word OrderSep29Innovation ForumSep29The Chinua Achebe Symposium and 10th Anniversary Memorial CelebrationSep28Carlos Fonseca *15 | A Discussion on His Latest Novel: AustralSep28Embodied Minds in the Late Capitalist System: Suicide and Environmental Degradation in AfricaSep28McGraw Center Faculty Special Event: A Celebration of Excellent Teaching and MentoringSep28The Thief Who Stole My HeartSep28Medieval Song and the Sounding of World, Body, and ImaginationSep28Pond Music: Interspecies ImprovisationSep28Walking in Place: A Tour of Princeton and Vicinity, Organized by Robert SullivanSep28McGraw Center Faculty Presentation: The Power of Checking In – Mid-Semester Course FeedbackSep28“Animal Spirits: The American Pursuit of Vitality from Camp Meetings to Wall Street” with Jackson Lears & Graham BurnettSep27Film Screening & Discussion: “Turn Every Page – The Adventures of Robert Caro and Robert Gottlieb”Sep27Civic Storytelling: The Rise of Short Forms and the Agency of Literature with Florian Fuchs & Daniel Heller RoazenSep27On the Translation and Adaptation of The Vocabulario da lingoa de IapamSep27“Into the Forever and Beautiful Sky”: Confronting Animal Brutality in a Galaxy of Limitless CapitalismSep27From “The Mind has No Sex?” to “Gendered Innovations”: A Historian’s Contribution to Enhancing Excellence in Science & TechnologySep27Vathy Astypalaia: Recent Data from a Diachronic Palimpsest of the AegeanSep27Writing Seminar: Where is Princeton?Sep26Climate InheritanceSep26Chile 9/11 Series | Voluspa Jarpa: “Chile 9/11 Before Chile 9/11”Sep26Sensory Life in South India: Counter-Narratives of Islamic Material CultureSep26Double Exposure: Re-Seeing the West with Timothy O’Sullivan, America’s Most Mysterious War PhotographerSep26Mellon Forum // Womanist Work: Black Women Preachers and the Making of Sermonic Space in Literature and MusicSep22Film Screening and Artist Talk: Chantel Comardelle and Dennis Davis of “Knowledge is Power”Sep22Thinking Through Minshū Bukkyō: Popular Buddhism and the Study of Premodern JapanSep22Black Sea Migrations in the Long Thirteenth Century: Bodies, Things, IdeasSep21LLL Presents – Wednesday’s Child: Short StoriesSep21On AssemblingSep21The Plataian Community in Athens: An Enclave?Sep2117th Annual Humanities Colloquium: Archives and the FutureSep21John Durham Peters & Shannon Mattern in ConversationSep20Notes Toward the Media History of GibberishSep20Transhemispheric Translation: Scenes from Contemporary Latin American PoeticsSep19Comparative Diplomatics: Han Dynasty Edicts and Ordinances on Official PromotionSep19No Ordinary Assignment: What it means to be a war correspondentSep19Seminar: Circumstantial DetailSep18Constitution Day Lecture 2023: The Constitution and the CourtSep18Center for Digital Humanities Open HouseSep18African Americans and Xenophon, c. 1800–1910Sep18Sounds in Wax: Musicology, Linguistics, and the World as a ResourceSep18McGraw Center Faculty Workshop: AI and Our Classrooms – Generating Text with Chat GPTSep15Soil & Light: A Poetry Reading at the FarminarySep15Public Talk: Art in Times of WarSep14Film Screening: Art in Times of WarSep14Mindscapes Unveiled: Artist’s Talk with Chanika SvetvilasSep13Coming into Color: The Cloth Classic, Jiangnan Dyeworks, and the Expansion of Cotton Dyes in Qing ChinaSep13The Sex ObsessionSep13Mellon Forum // Land, Law & Speculative Urban FuturesSep13Fictional Realism–What our Relationship to the Non-Existing Teaches Us About RealitySep12Media + Modernity: “Disability as Method”Sep12Confusion, Nonsense, and Consciousness: Poetry as a Source for a Novel Theory of SubjectivitySep8Mindscapes Unveiled, an exhibition by Chanika SvetvilasSep8Seuls en Scène – Princeton French Theater FestivalSep7Exhibition Opening – Resilient Coasts: Forests and AdaptationSep6Friends of Princeton University Library Small Talk: “When Democracy Was Threatened a Century Ago”