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McGraw Center Faculty Workshop: Active Learning: Tech Tools and Analog Approaches

McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning Digital Learning Lab (DLL), 130 Lewis Science Library

Fri, 2/2 · 10:00 am11:00 am · Digital Learning Lab, 130 Lewis Science Library

Active learning encompasses a broad range of in-class activities that ask students to process information rather than passively receive it. In doing so, active learning strategies provide opportunities for students to take ownership of their own learning and to learn from and with each other. The addition of active learning elements can also provide instructors with valuable feedback on student comprehension.

In this session–held in the Digital Learning Lab, one of McGraw’s active learning spaces–we will share strategies for engaging students in active learning in classes of all kinds. We will include information on technology tools like i-clickers, throwable mics, and digital whiteboards, as well as analog approaches such as think/pair/share, exit tickets, and role play.

Register here.

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