Libraries, Encyclopedias, and Other Labyrinths
Anna Maria Lorusso, University of Bologna, Italy
March 7, 2024 · 4:30 pm—6:00 pm · 202 Jones Hall
Department of East Asian Studies; Humanities Council

The first talk in a lecture series on Introducing Interpretive Semiotics, for the Humanities and Social Sciences.
After Anna Maria Lorusso graduated in Philosophy with a dissertation in Semiotics, in Bologna, she completed her doctoral research in Semiotics, under the supervision of Umberto Eco. Following a research scholarship, Lorusso became a researcher at the University of Bologna, where she is now Associate Professor, as well as Director of both the First Cycle Degree in Communication Sciences in the Department of the Arts and the Master in Publishing. Her interests have always revolved around the rhetorical-discursive dimension of culture: forms of collective narrative, dominant rhetorical figures, discursive modalities for stability, and translation and transformation of stereotypes and commonplaces. Recently she has published under many labels of excellence, including Bakhtiniana: Revista de Estudos do Discurso, Estudos Semióticos, International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, Rivista di Estetica and Semiotica.
At the present date, she is a member of the research group Trame, dealing with memory and cultural trauma, and the President of the Italian Association for Semiotic Studies.