Launching a Digital History Lab for the Twenty-First Century: Concepts, Methods, and Institutions
March 7, 2024 · 4:30 pm—6:00 pm · 211 Dickinson Hall or Zoom
Jo Guldi, Short-Term Old Dominion Fellow in the Humanities Council, the Department of History, and the Center for Digital Humanities

Jo Guldi is Professor of Quantitative Methods at Emory University. Guldi mostly thinks in terms of the history of land and water: who got evicted; who controlled the water; how land was mapped, owned, connected, and used, and what stories we tell about those displacements that have shaped the world that came after. She is also a scholar of history who uses machine learning, statistics, and other big-data methods to approach the traditional concerns of the humanities. Before joining Emory, Guldi served as was on faculty at Southern Methodist University (2016-2023) and was also previously Hans Rothfels Assistant Professor of History at Brown (2012-16).
This even will be offered in hybrid format. Registration is only required for those who attend virtually via Zoom.