
Shaman and Yanomami Indigenous leader Davi Kopenawa speaks at a Princeton panel discussion Jan. 31, 2023. He and a group of Yanomami artists, activists and art curators were in the area for the Feb. 3 debut of “The Yanomami Struggle,” an exhibition at The Shed cultural center in New York, which continues through April 16. Photo by David Dooley/Fotobuddy


The Council provides co-sponsorship for humanities-related programs, including conferences, workshops, colloquia, lectures, readings/performances, interdisciplinary courses, and reading groups. In most cases, the Council co-sponsors events that already have support from their home departments, typically offering amounts less than or equal to the home department’s contribution. Grants typically range from $250 to $2,500 for conferences or one-time co-sponsorships. Requests for greater amounts will be considered for special projects in the humanities and for those that require the primary sponsorship and administrative support of the Humanities Council. 

Graduate student requests are typically funded at a maximum of $1,500, and they require an email from the chair of the home department, supporting the proposal (date, budget, requested amount). See the graduate application timelines under “Deadlines” below.


Priority is given to faculty and graduate members of the Council’s participating departments and programs, although interdisciplinary humanities-related requests from other units are encouraged. Regular Princeton faculty (assistant, associate, full professors; senior lecturers; University Lecturers; and professors of the practice) may apply.

The Council’s co-sponsorship fund does not support individual research projects or individual travel for faculty or graduate students. Events that require an admission fee will not be considered for funding or publicity. Named lecture series and ongoing/recurring events are not funded by this program.

Please note that Humanities Council funding is limited to transfer of the awarded funds and does not include event services or logistical support.  

Listings for all public events supported by Council funds should be submitted to the Council’s campus-wide Calendar of Events, as soon the date and venue are determined, and at least two weeks in advance of the event.  Listings in the Calendar will be publicized through our weekly newsletter.

Proposals initiated by graduate students must be presented by a faculty sponsor and followed by a brief email from the department chair endorsing the project.

Additional funding resources are available for Council-based projects, including the David A. Gardner ’69 Magic Grants for Innovation and the Collaborative Humanities grants, which can support larger-scale or multifaceted initiatives. Departments and programs may apply for funds through the Visiting Fellows program and the Faber Lectures. 

If you have questions about whether your project is eligible for consideration, please email Chrisoula Manoussakis.

How to apply

Please complete the online Funding Request Form (requires a Princeton University login).  Your proposal should state clearly the event’s main sponsor (i.e., the academic unit managing finances, logistics and communications), as well as include the amount contributed by the home department and any amounts solicited from or contributed by other campus units. Requests must be submitted at least one month in advance of the proposed event.

Funding Request Form

The executive committee has established a benchmark of $750-$1500 for honoraria for public lectures and $75-$500 for conference/colloquia participation.


Faculty proposals for co-sponsorship are accepted throughout the year and considered on a rolling basis.

Graduate-student-initiated proposals for events in Fall 2024 are due September 3, 2024 and Spring 2025 conferences must be received by no later than January 27, 2025. All proposals must be endorsed by a department chair.

Humanities Council Special Grants

Requests for greater amounts are considered for special projects in the humanities and for those that require the primary sponsorship of the Humanities Council.

The Humanities Council’s Faber and Stewart funds support conferences in literature and religion, respectively. The Cone Fund offers particular support for music-related activities.

  • Princeton Ethiopian, Eritrean, and Egyptian Miracles of Mary (PEMM) Project Gap Year Funding
    Wendy Belcher (Comparative Literature; African American Studies)

The Princeton Ethiopian, Eritrean, and Egyptian Miracles of Mary (PEMM) project is a comprehensive resource for the 1,000+ miracle stories written about and the 2,500+ images painted of the Virgin Mary in these African countries and preserved in Ge’ez between 1300 and the present. The project was previously supported by a four-year Humanities Council Global Initiative. This new special grant from the Council’s Old Dominion Fellowship Fund will help to sustain the project in anticipation of further national funding.

  • Princeton’s American Revolution
    Michael Blaakman (History)

This project will commemorate the 250th anniversaries of U.S. independence and the Battle of Princeton through a major exhibition at Princeton University Library. With fresh archival research, the project will showcase the diverse experiences of the American Revolution on campus and in the surrounding community and promote broad public engagement. A special grant from the Ruth and Sid Lapidus ’59 Research Fellowships Fund will support resources for the exhibition and related events.

  • The Sense Archive
    Monica Huerta (English; Effron Center)

“The Sense Archive” is a long-term project that embraces speculative archival mode where scholarship, art, and activism meet. This grant from the Old Dominion Fellowship Fund, will support a working group with faculty and students from Princeton and Haverford to learn from artists and practitioners. Each working group event will center an artist or practitioner and their work and process.

  • Collaborative Deciphering and Interpreting: Philippine Indigenous and Mestizo Texts from the Spanish Archive of 1762 and Beyond
    Christina Lee (Spanish and Portuguese)

This special Faber Grant supports a three-day workshop in Manila, Philippines, in July 2025 featuring presenters and discussants from around the globe–including three faculty from Princeton—together with regional participants to discuss the recently completed NEH-funded digital repatriation of an early modern Philippine archive. The workshop would highlight the indigenous and mestizo texts found in the process of sorting, titling, and transcribing the reconstituted collection, as well as establish a working group of scholars. 

  • Freedom and Obligation in the Seventeenth Century
    Russ Leo (English

This three-day Princeton workshop in March 2025, supported by a special Faber Grant, would bring Princeton faculty and graduate students together with scholars from outside institutions to consider the “freedom of philosophizing” at work in the early Enlightenment and late Reformation, exploring “economies of obligation” and ideas of kinship, exchange, and patronage.

  • Indian Ocean Trade, the Global Middle Ages and the Cairo Geniza
    Marina Rustow (Near Eastern Studies; History)

This project will continue the editing and translating of 385 unpublished documents of traders from the premodern Indian Ocean world that are preserved in the Cairo Geniza. The documents demand the philological and historical expertise of scholars in fields that do not regularly communicate: Jewish studies, Islamic studies, and South Asian studies. This special grant from the Old Dominion Fellowship Fund will support two senior researchers from outside Princeton, and a workshop at the University in May 2025.

  • Timbuktu Grooves Festival
    Michael Pratt (Music; University Orchestra); Olivier Tarpaga (Music)

The Edward T. Cone Fund in the Humanities Council will support this three-day music festival, which will feature a lineup of artists showcasing an array of ancient and contemporary African performing arts. The event is part of “Be Kunu: African Music at Princeton,” a project which aims to introduce rich artistic and cultural material from the African continent to members of the University community via collaborations, new artistic creations, and performances.

  • Troubadours and Sonneteers: Global Culture, Performance and the Matter of Display
    Nigel Smith (English

The Edward T. Cone Fund in the Humanities Council will support this two-day conference in Spring 2024, which will be held on campus. The event aims to build institutional bridges between Princeton and Stanford, and advance medieval and early modern studies into new fields of knowledge via methodologies concerning notions of ‘global lyric.’

  • Sinoscript as Performance and Negotiation: Organizational Workshop for a Handbook of Sinoxenic Literacy
    Brian Steininger (East Asian Studies)

Supported by the Eberhard L. Faber 1915 Memorial Fund, this Spring 2024 two-day conference will bring together scholars to explore the field of Literary Sinitic across premodern East Asia and plan for the creation of a handbook aimed at articulating the current state of the field and setting the stage for new scholarly conversations.

  • Elasticities
    Martha Friedman (Lewis Center for the Arts’ Program in Visual Arts); Brooke Holmes (Classics)

The Eberhard L. Faber 1915 Memorial Fund will support a July 2022 workshop in partnership with the Benaki Museum in Athens, Greece, which aims to create a dialogue among artists, scholars, and critics in Athens and Princeton.

  • Engaging Indigenous Ecologies of Knowledges
    João Biehl (Anthropology); Agustín Fuentes (Anthropology); Carlos Fausto (PIIRS Global Scholar)

This interdisciplinary PIIRS Brazil LAB research group consists of faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students from Princeton and academic institutions in Brazil.  The Edward T. Cone ’39 *42 Fund in the Humanities Council will co-sponsor a hybrid reading group as well as two research workshops in 2022-23.

  • Global Cervantes
    Marina Brownlee (Spanish and Portuguese); Christina Lee (Spanish and Portuguese)

This grant from the Eberhard L. Faber 1915 Memorial Fund will support a Summer 2023 conference that will consider literature and its interface with science, technology, medicine, visual studies, and music, as well as environmental humanities—all as expressed in the Quixote.

  • Radicalism, Politics and Poetics in Early Modern Europe
    Russ Leo (English)

This two-day conference in May 2023, supported by the Eberhard L. Faber 1915 Memorial Fund in the Humanities Council, will celebrate the work of Nigel Smith, and offer a two-day masterclass on 17th century radicalism led by eminent scholars of early modern poetry and politics.


Art Museum African American and Black Diaspora Working Group
James Steward (Princeton University Art Museum)

With the support of the Humanities Council, the Princeton University Art Museum convened four fruitful sessions of an African American and Black Diaspora Working Group to discuss and provide critical feedback on the Museum’s plans for the display, future acquisitions, and consideration of African American art and visual art of the African diaspora.


Music in Film
Michael Smith (Philosophy), Andrew Lovett (Music)

The two-year series of lectures and workshops brings together scholars and practitioners to explore the role of music in film; how film makers and music makers collaborate; what effect music has on scenes. These lectures are aimed at a broad audience across the University, offering online access to films to watch in advance. One session will feature a silent film with live accompaniment, followed by a discussion.  Supported by the Humanities Council’s Edward T. Cone ’39 *42 Fund.

Global Cervantes
Marina Brownlee (Spanish and Portuguese, Comparative Literature), Christina Lee (Spanish and Portuguese)

This international meeting of the Quixote Association will take place on July 2021, and involves approximately 150 faculty and graduate students. The conference will convene scholars from all five continents to consider not only literature but also science, technology, medicine, visual studies, music, and environmental humanities–all expressed in Don QuixoteSupported by the Eberhard L. Faber 1915 Memorial Fund in the Humanities Council.

The Antigone Project
Lisa Dwan (Class of 1932 Visiting Fellow in the Humanities Council and Department of English)

Through a series of conversations and performances, students will deepen their exploration of the Antigone Project, a Fall 2020 course taught by Lisa Dwan. They will interact with three assigned authors and a philosopher to examine themes that emerge from Sophocles’ tragedy. Dwan will perform “Pale Sister,” Colm Tóibín’s reimagining of Antigone’s story. Supported by the Humanities Council’s Eberhard L. Faber 1915 Fund.

Black Artists Lab
Tracy K. Smith (Lewis Center for the Arts), Imani Perry (African American Studies)

This conference, featuring panels, screenings, and performances, extends conversations with black artists, makers, and scholars on the topic of art and cultural institutions. The aim of the conference is to leverage the creative and critical perspectives on blackness in art in order to reach a new sense of what is possible in American cultural and civic life. Supported by the Humanities Council’s Old Dominion Fund with co-sponsorship from the Lewis Center for the Arts and the Department of African American Studies.

Netherlands and Global History, 1500-1700
Nigel Smith (English)

This international three-day conference will explore the transnational global impact of the Netherlands, 1500-1700. Experts will be brought to Princeton from the Netherlands, elsewhere in Europe and Scandinavia, as well as from North America.  Supported by an Eberhard L. Faber 1915 Grant

New Thinking on the Icon
Charlie Barber (Art & Archaeology)

Thirty international scholars will meet in May 2020 at Princeton to workshop essays for a major new publication that will re-orient how we think about the icon as a theological and historical phenomenon. Supported by the Humanities Council’s Stewart Fund for Religion with co-sponsorship from the Center for Hellenic Studies.

Literary Beginnings in the European Middle Ages
Marina Brownlee (Spanish and Portuguese)

This workshop seeks to understand how new literatures begin and what it means to ask about “literary beginnings,” exploring not isolated instances but continuous traditions, considering the dynamic forces of literary systems, literary agency, and literary institutions. Supported by an Eberhard L. Faber 1915 Grant

Space, Time, and Religion in Early America
Seth Perry (Religion)

On February 6-8, 2020, scholars of religion in early America will gather at Princeton to think about the real and imagined horizons of time and space that characterize the religious actors we study. Discussions will interrogate both the periodizations of the field (Great Awakening, evolution, Second Great Awakening) and the interpretative concepts brought to bear on it: millennialism, primitivism, typology. Supported by the Humanities Council’s Stewart Fund for Religion

Building a Repertoire for bitKlavier
Dan Trueman(Music)

A diverse group of young composers will make new pieces for bitKlavier, a new kind of digital piano developed at Princeton, exploiting its unique features and, in turn, suggesting new directions for its development. The project will engage local piano teachers and young students who have been exploring bitKlavier’ s pedagogical possibilities. The pieces will be performed on campus and documented for release, so that pianists, composers, and instrument builders elsewhere can experience them. Supported by the Humanities Council’s Edward T. Cone ’39 *42 Fund.


Racing the Classics
Dan-el Padilla Peralta (Classics)

Launched in 2018 with a two-day working conference, this multi-year project is dedicated to using and developing critical theories of race and ethnicity in all aspects of the field. The conference brought together scholars whose work on ancient Greek and Roman culture demonstrate a thorough consideration of race, ethnicity, and intersectionality to workshop writing and to build a critical feedback network for future projects; its aim was to pave new paths forward for what counts as knowledge in Classics. 

Read about all of the Humanities Council’s Funding Opportunities.

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