Angelus Novus-Balancing Act from the Cosmological, Architectonic, Moral and Aesthetic Points of View
Attilio Pizzigone, University of Bergamo; Vittorio Paris, University of Bergamo; Erika A. Kiss, University Center for Human Values; Sigrid Adriaenssens, Civil and Environmental Engineering; Chris Tully, Physics
October 27, 2023 · 12:00 pm—1:30 pm · Green Hall 3C3 and Zoom
University Center for Human Values

Join the bilingual round-table discussion about the principle of self-supporting balance. Panel discussants: Professors Attilio Pizzigone and Vittorio Paris (University of Bergamo), Erika A. Kiss (Princeton University) in person in Palazzo Mora, Venice, Italy, and Professors Sigrid Adriaenssens and Chris Tully (Princeton University) participating online from Princeton, USA.
Register for this hybrid event.
Standing under the center of the Angelus Novus Vault in the garden of Palazzo Mora in Venice while holding up a mobile device equipped with the Plato’s Cave App, one can see the inside of Brunelleschi’s dome of the Santa Maria del Fiore. The inside of the augmented reality dome is “painted” with the animated mashup of the Vasari fresco, The Last Judgement ( just like in Brunelleschi’s dome) and Kiss’s Assembly/Disassembly. The augmented reality experience via the Plato’s Cave App under the Angelus Novus Vault reveals the correspondences of the self-balancing architectonics of Brunelleschi’s curved space engineering and the non-Euclidean, spherical cosmology of Dante’s Divina Commedia that inspired the perfect moral balance of Vasari’s The Last Judgement. The European Cultural Center, Italy and Princeton University presents a bilingual and bicontinental round-table discussion about the man-made balance that keeps balancing as if by itself.