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Soil & Light: A Poetry Reading at the Farminary

Center for Culture, Society and Religion, Tess Taylor, poet; Camille Dungy, poet

September 15, 2023 · 7:00 pm9:00 pm · Princeton Theological Seminary Farminary

Join Tess Taylor, Camille T. Dungy, and Jason Myers for an evening of poetry and conversation that will highlight a new anthology edited by Taylor, as well as Dungy’s latest book.
Following the reading, Myers, a poet and Episcopal priest who edits EcoTheo Review, will moderate a conversation with Dungy and Taylor that explores the delights and challenges of gardening, writing, and navigating our various callings. Writing workshops will also be offered on Friday (3-4:30 pm with Camille Dungy) and Saturday (10-11:30 with Tess Taylor).

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