The Humanities Council kicks off each academic year with a colloquium featuring our humanities faculty.
Past Events:

18th Annual Colloquium 2024
“Knowledge and Action”
Thursday, September 5, 4:30-6:00 pm
Chancellor Green Rotunda
Speakers: Yelena Baraz (Classics; Society of Fellows), Eliza Griswold (Journalism), Jan-Werner Müller (Politics), and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor (African American Studies)
Moderator: Esther Schor (Chair, Humanities Council; English)

17th Annual Colloquium 2023
“Archives and the Future”
Thursday, September 21, 4:30-6:00 pm
Chancellor Green Rotunda
Speakers: Sandra Bermann (Comparative Literature), Laura F. Edwards (History), Kinohi Nishikawa (English and African American Studies), and Sarah Rivett (English and American Studies)
Moderator: Esther Schor (Chair, Humanities Council; English)

16th Annual Humanities Colloquium 2022
“Humanities and/as Choice”
Thursday, September 8, 4:30-6:00 pm
Chancellor Green Rotunda
Speakers: Catherine Clune-Taylor (Gender and Sexuality Studies), William Chester Jordan (History), Stephen F. Teiser (Religion), and Rob Nixon (English, High Meadows Environmental Institute)
Moderator: Tera Hunter (Acting Chair, Humanities Council; History, African American Studies)

14th Annual Humanities Colloquium 2020
“Things As They Should Be? A Question for the Humanities”
Eddie S. Glaude Jr., Barbara Graziosi, Jhumpa Lahiri, and Melissa Lane spoke at the first online Colloquium. Read about the event here.

13th Annual Humanities Colloquium 2019
“Tradition, Critique, and Imagination”
Anne A. Cheng, Jonathan Gold, Daniel Heller-Roazen, and Dan-el Padilla Peralta discussed “Tradition, Critique, and Imagination.” Read about the event here.

12th Annual Humanities Colloquium 2018
“Capturing the Human”
2018-19 Old Dominion Professors Michael Flower, Simon Gikandi, Kim Lane Scheppele, and Sean Wilentz participated in a panel discussion on the topic of “Capturing the Human.” Read about the event here.

11th Annual Humanities Colloquium 2017
“Is There Progress in the Humanities?”
The keynote was delivered by Jeremy Adelman on “Engaged Humanities and Global History.” The panel included Anthony Grafton, Thomas Kelly, Marina Rustow, and Eric Gregory (moderator). Read about the event here.

10th Annual Humanities Colloquium 2016
“Citizenship and the Humanities”
Eddie Glaude Jr., spoke on “Democratic Virtue and #BlackLivesMatter.” Other speakers included Lital Levy, Tracy K. Smith, Philip Pettit, and Ilya Vinitsky. Read about the event here.
Ninth Annual Humanities Colloquium 2015
Featuring Rachael DeLue (keynote lecture), Denis Feeney, Bernard Haykel, Alison Isenberg, AnneMarie Luijendijk
Eighth Annual Humanities Colloquium 2014
Featuring David Bell, David Bellos, Miguel Centeno, Imani Perry, Denis Feeney, Susan Stewart (keynote lecture)
Seventh Annual Humanities Colloquium 2013
Featuring Jeff Stout (keynote lecture), Rachel Bowlby, Irena Grudzinska Gross, Melissa Lane, Jonathan Levy, Gideon Rosen