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Macroeconomic and Development Challenges in Latin America

February 21, 2024 · 4:30 pm6:00 pm · A17 Julis Romo Rabinowitz Building

Martín Guzmán, Columbia University

Martín Guzmán is a Professor at Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs. He served as Minister of Economy of the Republic of Argentina (December 2019- July 2022). As Minister of Economy of Argentina, he led the management of a sovereign debt crises that included the second largest sovereign debt restructuring in history (2020), the economic policy to manage the Covid-19 pandemic in the context of the debt and inflation crises, the policies for the fast economic and employment recovery in 2021, the debt restructuring negotiations with the Paris Club, and the negotiations with the International Monetary Fund towards a deal achieved in January 2022 for refinancing the largest loan in the history of the institution that had been agreed in 2018.

Guzmán is a leading global expert in the fields of sovereign debt and debt crises resolution. His research focuses on the emergence, propagation, and resolution of macroeconomic disequilibria, monetary economics, and economic development. It has also been published in leading international journals and books.

Markus Brunnermeier, Professor of Economics, Princeton University

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