Events Archive: 2022/23 2023/24 | 2022/23 | 2021/22 | 2020/21 | 2019/20 Jun15After the Yalta by Piotrowski: Questioning Europe in the history of art and architectureJun13Ritual and Materiality in Buddhism and Asian ReligionsJun7Cervantes Global | Global CervantesMay23Fear and Loathing in the MoviesMay19Andy Borowitz: Profiles In IgnoranceMay19Instruments of Global Music Theory—ConferenceMay17“Thirteen Months in Dixie,” Friends of Princeton University Library Small TalkMay16LLL Presents | Period: The Real Story of MenstruationMay11Il laboratorio teatrale presents: “Il portiere di notte”May11Writers and Missionaries: Essays on the Radical ImaginationMay10“Wooden Horses, Minotaurs and Catalogues of Ships”May9Faculty Workshop: New Technologies for Teaching and Learning with ImagesMay8The History of Political Thought: A Symposium on Methods and Current ControversiesMay5“Erini featuring Ara Dinkjian: A Musical Chronicle of Asia Minor”May5“I Enter the Future with the Memory of the Past”: José Rizal (1861-1896), the Philippines, and Classical Antiquity Main page content Category OverrideMay5For Susan Stewart: Two Seminars & A Poetry ReadingMay4Queer Career: Sexuality and Work in Modern AmericaMay4Confused by All the Chatter? Journalists, Researchers & Policymakers Talk Chatbots and Other Large Language ModelsMay4The medieval transmission of ancient knowledge in colonial and post-colonial narratives: moving beyond them with help from the Greek and Arabic grammariansMay4Memento by Hala Moughanie: A staged readingMay3Creative Writing Seniors Reading: FictionMay3Poetry and War: Readings from Feuillets D’Hypnos by René CharMay2L’Avant-Scène presents “Travaux d’Acteurs IX”May2The Arc of Interference: Medical Anthropology for Worlds on EdgeMay2Creative Writing Seniors Reading: Poetry, Translation & ScreenwritingMay2Opening Reception for Art of Science 2023May2Translators in PublishingApr28Reproductive Justice and Youth Led Movements with Olivia JuliannaApr28Cinema with Power | Public Screening of “Rajneeti” with Intro and Q&A session by Prakash JhaApr28‘Magister ex machina, or, Artificial Ingenuity: Who wrote the student poetry of the Old Society of Jesus?’ Main page content Category OverrideApr27The Form that Thinks: The Essay-Film from InsideApr27How Princeton Research Becomes A Film and A Vault At The Venice BiennaleApr27Maritime Buddhist Art of the East Asian “Mediterranean,” ca. 900–1200Apr27Leaping Clear of the Many and the OneApr27PLAS Graduate Workshop | Alex Diaz-Hui & Julia KornbergApr27Global Existential Challenges: The Art(s) of Domination and ResistanceApr26Debt Working Group | Colonial Debts: The Case of Puerto RicoApr26A Conversation with Anne BerestApr26Inside the Mind of the Influencing Machine: Set Design in the Age of Cold War TelevisionApr26Las desmayadas. Un recorrido entre el desmayo y la voz de las mujeresApr25L’Avant-Scène presents “Quai ouest” by Bernard-Marie KoltèsApr25LLL Presents | Myth America: Historians Take on the Biggest Lies about the PastApr25“The Geometries of Afro Asia”Apr25“A Nation of Prisoners: The Rise and Growth of Immigration Detention in the United States”Apr25Roundtable on Reporting/Writing the History of the War in UkraineApr24“Toni Morrison: Sites of Memory”: The Making of an ExhibitApr24Negative Anthropology: Shakespeare, Sophocles, FreudApr22Symposium | Psychoanalysis and its Discontents: Reality, Media, and the SubjectApr21Cinema with Power | Public Screening of “Matto Ki Saikil” with Intro and Q&A session by Prakash JhaApr21John Witherspoon in Historical ContextApr21Colloquium ∙ News from Aphrodisias: Greek urban culture under the Roman Empire, April 21-22Apr21Citizenship as the City’s Revealing Mirror: Comparative Considerations on the Content and Historical Context of Citizenship in ancient Athens and RomeApr21Cinema with Power | The Worlds of Indian Cinema WorkshopApr202023 Anthony B. Evnin Lecture: Stories from the Field – Conservation PhotographyApr20Kassler Lecture: Ecological Architecture (Rescheduled from Fall 2022)Apr20On Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of WomanApr20Cinema with Power | Princeton Public Lectures: Social Justice, Power and Politics in India CinemaApr20Georgian Literature Against the Red TerrorApr20“Manuscripts at the Foundations of Modern Law: Multispectral Imaging, Artificial Intelligence and the Recovery of Gaius’s Institutes and the oldest Koran”Apr20“Our Muses Are Our Ancestors”: Contemporary Indigenous Writers of North America and Greco-Roman Antiquity.Apr19LLL Presents | The Archivists: StoriesApr19Debt Working Group | Feminist Challenges to Debt in Puerto RicoApr19Universality and the Impotence of DiscourseApr19The Annual Jansen Lecture: Mori Nao Divorces Her Husband and His Family Puts Him in a CageApr19Documenting the ASL communities: MoLo and O5S5 projectsApr19“The Undiscovered Country: Ancient Texts and Modern Technologies”Apr19Medieval Faculty Colloquium: “Translating Jurjani: Why read an eleventh-century text about Arabic poetics?”Apr18Munich Museums and the 1939 Silver PlunderApr18SURREALICE. Lewis Carroll and the surrealists. How to do an exhibition on surrealism today.Apr18Roman Citizenship and its Value in the Roman Empire until and after the Constitutio AntoninianaApr17Mamadou Diabate and Percussion Mania: Master of the talking balafon from Burkina FasoApr17“Who will Dry My Tears?” Reflections on the History of a LynchingApr17Epistemological Reconfigurations in Queer German CinemaApr17Just Me: An Asian American Artist on Disability and Mental HealthApr16Princeton French Film FestivalApr14Kyung-Sook Shin Book ReadingApr14How rhythm and timing structure experience: Music and social interactionApr14Hideyoshi’s Goal of Conquering Ming China? A Misconstrued Narrative of Japan’s Invasion of Chosŏn Korea in 1592-1598Apr14The Wealth of Merovingian Bishops: The Case of the DesideriiApr14Accommodating Justice SystemsApr14Janson-La Palme Conference | Machines between Learning and Practice in Early Modern EuropeApr14The History of Value in Nineteenth Century North AmericaApr14FIT Graduate Conference: “Taboo”Apr13“Who Reads Greek in 3rd Century CE Oxyrhynchus?: The Jewish Community of Oxyrhynchus Before and After 117 CE”Apr13“How Do We Think of Social Diversity”Apr13Spring 2023 Anschutz Lecture | Talk to Me: A Story of Racial Capitalism, Coup, and DemocracyApr13HIdeyoshi’s Goal of Conquering Ming China? A Misconstrued Narrative of Japan’s Invasion of Chosŏn Korea in 1592-1598Apr13Art Hx Presents | Collectives in Crisis: Healing Through Storytelling with Neil BardhanApr13Shimmers of the Fabulous: Intimate Touch and Public Sex in Queer and Trans BombayApr12Nihilistic Times: Thinking with Max WeberApr12Charlotte Delbo: Writing Auschwitz and AfterApr12Bua Comparative Project: Documentation and history of a language family of southern ChadApr12**POSTPONED** The Criminalization of Adultery: Gender Equality, Monogamy, and Faithful Marraige in Postwar South KoreaApr11LLL Presents | Reading Shakespeare Reading MeApr11Media and Modernity: “Gawkers”Apr11Cinema with Power | Documentary Screening and Welcome ReceptionApr11The Jesuits: A HistoryApr11Translators on PublishingApr11The Rise of the Christian Economy in the post-Christian WestApr10Black Girls Fly: Ruminations on Religion, Race, and TechnologyApr10AfroColombia: A panorama of life and living in ChocóApr10“The Making Out of Americans: Biology and the Poetics of Queer Social Reproduction”Apr10CFS Faber Lecture: Cinematic Faces and HandsApr10Translating Egyptians: Race-Consciousness of 1960s Egyptians in the African American ImaginationApr10Progressive Politics in a Turbulent World: A New Pink Tide in Latin America?Apr6Teaching Language, Culture and Texts in the 21st Century: Insights from the Multiliteracies FrameworkApr6Carl E. Schorske Memorial Lecture | Giving the Working Class a Body: Politics, Literature, and Class WarApr6Trading with the Enemy: Greek Pottery in the Persian WorldApr4A Transgenre CelebrationApr4Best of Friends: A NovelApr4“Revolving Closets, Open Undergrounds”Apr4Gauss Seminars in Criticism: Gayatri Chakravorty SpivakApr4American Classical Scholarship, Comedy, and DisorientationApr4Mellon Forum: CüirtopiaApr3Theravada Buddhist responses to colonialism and their modern implications: Yin-Cheng Distinguished Lecture in BuddhismApr3“Labor, Love and Loss: Black Women and Care-Work during the Civil War”Apr3Book Talk: The African Heritage of Latinx and Caribbean LiteratureApr3One Book, Five Writers: Translating Jaguars’ TombMar31Opening Reception for F(r)iction: Post-Professional M.Arch Thesis ExhibitionMar31“Uneasy Peace: The Good Friday Agreement 25 Years On”Mar31Dear Philosopher: A Conversation About Philosophical Advice ColumnsMar31Women in Classics & Ancient Studies: Careers and ChoicesMar30TigerTalks in the City: Innovations in Arts AccessibilityMar30Toni Morrison Lectures | On the Far Side: Globalization in Morrison’s WorldMar30Flaubert BluesMar30Ut ekphrasis pictura: When Words Take Shape in Sir John Chardin’s Drawings of Muhammad’s Tomb in MeccaMar30Judge Zahid Quraishi in Conversation with Professor Udi OferMar30“Why were masks so essential for Greek tragedy?”Mar30Oceanography Otherwise: Marine Methods in the Environmental HumanitiesMar29LLL Presents | Take What You Need: A NovelMar29Toni Morrison Lectures | Here Stands a Man: Morrison’s (Feminist?) Molding of Black MasculinityMar29Bhimrao Ambedkar, John Dewey, and the Evolution of Navayana Buddhism: Buddhist Studies WorkshopMar29The Background Fantastic: Ambient Fantasy from YouTube to the MetaverseMar29Towards a New Understanding of the Late Imperial Corpora or How to Read An Anatomy of Lenses (Jingshi 鏡史), 1681Mar29Book Talk “The Face of Peace: Government Pedagogy amid Disinformation in Colombia”Mar29Medieval Faculty Colloquium | Making Things Up: Improvisation in the Illustrated ‘Cantigas de Santa María’Mar28Reading by Emma Cline & A. Van JordanMar28Toni Morrison Lectures | Dear Toni: Morrison Edits a Generation of Black MenMar28“Nightmare Landscapes, Ambient Splendor, and the End(s) of Art”Mar28Aimer en français: exil, identité(s), écriture (in French)Mar28Winckelmann’s Epistolary ArtMar27Reading by Ina CariñoMar27Religion, the Secular, and Machines in BetweenMar27“Asiiskusiipuw” Munsee Language RevitalizationMar27Feral Atlas: Toward a Collaborative Environmental HumanitiesMar27Celebrating Liliana Cavani’s Life and FilmsMar25Art and Devotion – New Accounts of Religious Culture, Race, and Gender in the United StatesMar24Atelier@Large: Conversations on Art-making in a Vexed EraMar24North-East Milton Seminar: “Milton and Monism, Yet Once More”Mar24Musicology Colloquium Series: Echoes of the Great Catastrophe: Re-Sounding Anatolian Greekness in DiasporaMar23Book Discussion | Carlo Ginzburg: History/Microhistories/Architectural HistoriesMar23LLL Presents: Poverty, by AmericaMar23Venetian Air and the Avatars of Disegno in Sixteenth-Century Art TheoryMar23On the Edge of the World: Rome’s Fluid Frontier in Northern BritainMar23Sites of Memory: A Symposium on Toni Morrison and the ArchiveMar23Investigating Injustice with DataMar22Hitch: An Iranian StoryMar22War and MachineMar22Reading, Scribbling, Copying: Cy Twombly and the Modern Greek PoetsMar22What Moses Forgot: Memory Failures in Late Ancient Rabbinic JudaismMar22Fear of others: Some comments on the fear of witchcraft in traditional ChinaMar22Gossip Etherealized: Mid-Victorian Sensation Fiction and the Logic of the RecordMar21Reading by Holmes Poet Marilyn ChinMar21Translators Beyond the AcademyMar20UCHV Research Film Studio | Research & Filmmaking: A Conversation with Gyula Gazdag & Erika A. KissMar20Archaeological Research at the Ancient Ionian City of NotionMar20Spatial Operations. Harun Farocki and ArchitectureMar13UCHV Research Film StudioMar9Concert | ‘Ode to the Fallen Trees’ by Alfonso Fuentes Colón with Oskar Espina RuizMar9*CANCELLED* LLL Presents | After Life: A Collective History of Loss and Redemption in Pandemic AmericaMar9Medieval Black Sea Seminar SeriesMar8The Seed KeeperMar8The role of demonstratives across languagesMar8Mellon Forum // Practicing Palimpsestry: Archives, Counter-mapping, and Spatial StorytellingMar7COLECTIVO LASTESIS | Decolonial Activisms: Feminist Performance / Activismos decoloniales: Performance feministaMar7Media and Modernity Doctoral Colloquium | Spring 2023Mar6LLL Presents: The World and All That It Holds: A NovelMar6Take No for An Answer. Reclaiming the French Canon Through the Female Gaze.Mar5L’Avant-Scène presents Les Caprices de Marianne by Musset & La seconde surprise de l’amour by MarivauxMar4Felon: An American Washi Tale by Reginald Dwayne BettsMar4Ancient Graeco-Roman Medicine and Biology WorkshopMar3Felon: An American Washi Tale by Reginald Dwayne BettsMar3“Is Byzantine Studies a Colonialist Discipline? Towards a Critical Historiography”Mar2L’Avant-Scène presents Les Caprices de Marianne by Musset & La seconde surprise de l’amour by MarivauxMar2Felon: An American Washi Tale by Reginald Dwayne BettsMar2Japan’s Magna Carta: Property, Inheritance and Gender in Medieval JapanMar2Metapoesis in Late ʿAbbāsid Poetry: The Dove, the Crow, and the Camel in al-Maʿarrī’s Saqṭ al-ZandMar2In Pursuit of Companionship: Hansen’s Disease in the Jōdo Shinshū Moral ImaginationMar2Sovereignties of the Imagination: Worlding from the Ethnographic MuseumMar2Are the Kids Alright? Examining the intergenerational Discourse on Social Networking Services and Smartphone-Related Harm in Contemporary JapanMar2Queer Career: Sexuality and Work in Modern AmericaMar2Medieval Black Sea Seminar SeriesMar2Law, Citizenship, and Dissent in IndiaMar2Telling Stories of Economic InequalityMar2Svetlana Kana Radević: Aggregate Assemblies, 2023 Womxn in Design and Architecture ConferenceMar1Organizing Stories: Dinner & DialogueMar1A Universe of Terms: Religion in Visual MetaphorMar1Variation in color expression in languages of CameroonMar1Betting on the Farm: Institutional Change in Japanese AgricultureMar1Archives of Repetition: Adapting Greek Heroines in the Digital AgeFeb28“The Architecture of Disability”Feb28Art Hx Presents: A Conversation with Artist Nate LewisFeb282022-23 Old Dominion Public Lecture Series – The Buddhist Wheel of Rebirth: Painting & Performance, Then & NowFeb27Reception + Gallery Talk | Living Histories: Space for Reckoning by STOSS Landscape Urbanism + MPdL StudioFeb27The Ver-Fremdworteffekt. Adorno on Language’s GlitchesFeb27Toward a History of Waiting: Social Hierarchy and ArchitectureFeb27A Constitutional Coup in Israel: Background, Causes, ConsequencesFeb27Translation as a Multiplayer GameFeb27Mellon Forum || Christianizing Algiers: Reshaping Urban Identity by “Cross and Plow”Feb24Ruha Benjamin in Conversation with Chris GilliardFeb24THAT’S HISTORY? Thirty Years After the End of ApartheidFeb24“Politically Red”Feb23Born Under PunchesFeb23A Conversation with Sandy OuvrierFeb23René Char’s MobilityFeb23Europe and the Wolf: Militant Economies of Sound in Pere Portabella and Carles SantosFeb23The ‘Cross of Gold’ revisited: Money and Populism in the Age of EmpireFeb23Immersion: Reporting From Within Vulnerable CommunitiesFeb23“Securitas: Embodied Concept”Feb23Material Aesthetics, Tonality, and the Politics of Racial Mixture in Puerto PlataFeb22Impermanent Blackness: The Making and Unmaking of Interracial Literary Culture in Modern AmericaFeb22Debt Working Group: Narrating DebtFeb22Articulating the Aesthetics of Democracy and Women’s Liberation: The Quest for a Decolonial Art history in South KoreaFeb22From Etruscan Town to Medieval Castle: Recent Excavations of a Central Italian Hilltop SettlementFeb21Reading by Rodrigo Toscano & Katie KitamuraFeb21The French Heritage Language Program: A Language Equity ModelFeb21Medieval Faculty Colloquium | Oath and Law: Legal Language in Early Imperial and Medieval ChinaFeb16Qu’est-ce que la Francophonie? Langue et variation, langues en contact et multilinguismeFeb16The Vulgarity of Caste: A Social and Intellectual History of Dalit Performance of TamashaFeb16Medieval African Writing Technologies: A ConversationFeb16The Devil of Details: Titivillus, from Yesterday’s Monks to Today’s Dungeons & DragonsFeb15Ecotheories Colloquium: Black SoilFeb15Imperial Gateway: Colonial Taiwan and Japan’s Expansion in South China and Southeast Asia, 1895-1945Feb15“Europe raped your mother:” The De/Colonialization of Medea (Grillparzer – Jahnn – Jones)Feb15The Puzzle of Panamanian ExceptionalismFeb15CDH Grants Information SessionFeb14Translators in/and the AcademyFeb14Mellon Forum // Stigma, public space, and the symbolic value of race in Cartagena, ColombiaFeb14Douglass Day Transcribe-a-ThonFeb14Where Slaves Became QueensFeb13Building a Community with Vertical VideoFeb10Kōshiki and Music in Japanese Sōtō ZenFeb10Tlingit Art, Spirit, and Ancestry: Healing Histories of DispossessionFeb9Art Exhibition as Work-in-ProgressFeb9Museumverse: Incorporating Virtual Reality and Digital Technologies into Art History Research and Curatorial StrategiesFeb9James A. Moffett ’29 Lectures in Ethics – Dignity and Historical Injustice: An Albanian Family’s HistoryFeb9Medieval Black Sea Seminar SeriesFeb8Edward Said Memorial Lecture: On “Perfect Victims” and the Politics of AppealFeb82022-23 Old Dominion Public Lecture Series – “ The Harvest Indeed is Great, but the Labourers are Few”: Strangers in the Medieval CountrysideFeb8Mellon Forum // Smallpox and Slavery in the Early Modern Atlantic World: A Digital HistoryFeb8Historias para lo que viene: Podcasting for Social Justice in ColombiaFeb7“Signals”Feb75000 Years of African LiteratureFeb6Reading by Dantiel W. MonizFeb6Transistors. Mediating MigrationFeb3“The Quiet Girls of Early Ireland: Women in medieval Irish literature”Feb3Musicology Colloquium Series | Petrine Prophecy as Power Discourse in the Thought of John Plousiadenos, ‘unionist priest’ (ἑνωτικός ἱερεύς)Feb3Abundance and Loss: Narratives of Diversity Across the Natural and Human SciencesFeb2Medieval Black Sea Seminar SeriesFeb1Friends of Princeton University Library Small Talk with Gene Andrew JarrettFeb1The Opposite of Cancel Culture: Shifting Opera and Ballet for a Multiracial FutureJan31The Falling Sky and The Yanomami StruggleJan18Friends of Princeton University Library Small Talk with Nina Khrushcheva *98Jan16Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.Jan11Discovery of the Secret Gospels, Nag Hammadi Egypt, 1945Dec21MPP 219 Performance: OLAGÓNDec15Debussy, Ravel, and The Jazz AgeDec15Artist Conversation: Samuel FossoDec14Seeing Providence ChinatownDec13Compiling Magic: the Scribe at WorkDec1317th Annual Innovation ForumDec12Synaxis and Workshops | A Hidden World Revealed: The Palimpsests of Saint Catherine’s Monastery on Mount SinaiDec9Conference | Art & the Americanization of FranceDec9Faculty Research Forum: Introduction to Project-Based Humanities GrantseekingDec9Crime, Safety and Justice in the 2022 ElectionsDec9Machine Learning and the Future of PhilologyDec8Justice for AnimalsDec8Communities of piety from Late Antiquity to ByzantiumDec7Seduced by Story: The Use and Abuse of NarrativeDec7‘Angélica’ Film Screening and Q & A with Marisol Gómez-MouakadDec7On the origins of Cikunda, “a language without a land” (Presentation of the OriKunda project)Dec7Focus on Ukraine Seminar Series: Is Ukraine Still Post-Soviet?Dec7Value and SolidarityDec6L’Avant-Scène presents “Race in French Theater”Dec6Two Writers on Writing: Considering Class, Play, Power, and Language in the Essay and the PoemDec6“Ten Minutes Later” A Public Lecture by Belknap Visiting Fellow Josephine MeckseperDec6Exile and Justice: A Panel DiscussionDec6L’Avant-Scène presents Fragments XXIIDec6Sick ArchitectureDec5Data Science for the Humanities and Social Sciences Social HourDec5Late Ottoman Turkey in Princeton’s Forgotten Maps, 1883-1923Dec5The Kids Aren’t Alright: Afro-German Afrofuturism and the Fight for FuturityDec3How did they learn? How did they teach?: Exploring Knowledge Transmission from Late Antiquity to the Early ModernDec2“A tree named for friendship: reading Homer’s phylia”Dec2Princeton Phonology Forum (PɸF) – The Wheres and Whens of AffixationDec1L’Avant-Scène presents Cyrano de Bergerac By Edmond RostandDec1East of Eden: A Case Against NostalgiaDec1Fictions of Accumulation: The Economic Turn in Latin American Cultural StudiesDec1Medieval Black Sea Seminar SeriesDec1Rubens’s Saltcellar: On the Generative Power of Nature and (Antwerp’s) ArtDec1Introduction to Digital Humanities FundingNov30LLL: Teaching White Supremacy-America’s Democratic Ordeal and the Forging of Our National IdentityNov30On: Ontology and its GlitchesNov30Experiments in Euphemism DetectionNov30A Talk About Theater and Performance in the 60s and 70sNov29Atelier@Large: Conversations on Art-making in a Vexed Era with Actor Jonathan MajorsNov29LLL | The Unfolding: A NovelNov29“Swamp”Nov29Human Morality in the Digital AgeNov29Native Nation Building and SustainabilityNov29Science Fiction in the AnthropoceneNov29Arriving in the Present: Transcultural Perspectives in Contemporary German-Speaking Contexts—A Reading GroupNov29Medieval Studies Faculty Colloquium: “The Return of the Magus: Theurgy in Safavid Iran”Nov21Leisure Justice: Pleasure, Policy, and the Promotion of EqualityNov21Partitions of Europe and Healing Spaces of ExpulsionNov21Feminist Architectural Histories of MigrationNov19Open House | Samuel Fosso: Affirmative ActsNov18Translation as Coded CritiqueNov17Performance by A. RevathiNov17James A. Moffett ’29 Lectures in Ethics: Du Bois and ‘The Souls of White Folk’Nov17PLAS Graduate Works in ProgressNov17On Books, Bibliography, Bibliophilia & Associational Literary HistoryNov17Humanities and Beyond: Humanities Council Funding Information SessionNov16The Matter of Inscription in Early Modern ChinaNov162022-23 Old Dominion Public Lecture Series – The Less Selfish Gene: Forest Altruism, Neoliberalism, and the Tree of LifeNov16Sustainable Oystering: A Farmer-to-Table ConversationNov16On Writing an Opera about Family Separation at the US-Mexico BorderNov15Reading by harris and OtsukaNov15Atelier@Large: Conversations on Art-making in a Vexed EraNov15“Modern Art and the Remaking of Human Disposition”Nov15PUL Author Talk: “Thirteen Months in Dixie”Nov15Caribbean Studies Speakers Series: Self-Writing in the Caribbean: An “I” for an “Eye”Nov15“Temptation Transformed: The Story of How the Forbidden Fruit Became an Apple”Nov15AI and the Future of ReligionNov14Book Banning on the RiseNov14Ecotheories Colloquium: “Waves and Edges: Ecologies of Displacement”Nov12Index of Medieval Art Conference: Looking at LanguageNov11“Listen to the Land Speak: Lost Wisdom of the Land and Language of Ireland”Nov11The Scale of Space in the Roman WorldNov10LLL: Mirror in the Sky: The Life and Music of Stevie NicksNov10Organizing Stories: Open HouseNov10Tanner Lectures on Human Values: “Known and Strange Things: The Political Necessity of Art”Nov10Is Democracy in the Arab World a Trap? Reflections on the Arab Spring and the Case of TunisiaNov9LAMB Workshop: Curfew: Or, For the Time BeingNov9A Bird in the Hand: The Work of ESTAR(SER)Nov9The Disappearance of Josef MengeleNov9EHL Seminar: “Disentangling Genetic, Cultural, and Environmental Effects on Stature in Ancient Europe”Nov9Tanner Lectures on Human Values: “Known and Strange Things: The Political Necessity of Art”Nov8“Atmospheres of Projection”Nov8“The Moon and the Map in the Ancient World”Nov8Mellon Forum: Religion and the Politics of Space in Urban PlanningNov8The Empathy Test: Seeing Humanity in Killers, Terrorists and Other Difficult Interview SubjectsNov7UCHV Film Forum: Julius Onah’s Luce (2019)Nov7Reading by Jonah Mixon-Webster and Creative Writing SeniorsNov7Hidden in Plain Sight: the Rediscovery of an Italian ClassicNov7Fury and Justice in the HumanitiesNov7Romanticism and the Material FragmentNov7“Horses, Wheels, and Languages. Indo-European in the Ancient Near East.”Nov5LUDUS presents ModernMedieval Voices: Hildegard of Bingen, The Living WordNov4Interworlds: HMEI 2022 Summer Intern Art Show ReceptionNov4The Visuality of Writing in Colonial KoreaNov4Paying Attention: Images of Monuments on Roman Imperial CoinsNov4Alfred Hitchcock and the Ideology of Absolute MusicNov4Taxing the Rich in the Just City: Cicero and Dionysius on Fiscal FairnessNov3L’Avant-Scène presents “Des territoires (… Et tout sera pardonné?)” by Baptiste AmannNov3Paul Laurence Dunbar: The Life and Times of a Caged BirdNov3Symposium: How Museums Are Diversifying Their Collections to Include Black and Brown ArtistsNov3Ecotheories Colloquium: “Ecology/Echography: Heidegger’s Hut–Three Displacements”Nov3Faculty Discussion: How Do We Create Deep Engagement?Nov3The World on a Lithograph Scroll from Meerut, 1849Nov2Concert with “Sounds of Cyprus” and Lecture with Alkinoos IoannidisNov2‘Unbehagen in der Natur’: On Thinking the End of NatureNov2Focus on Ukraine Seminar Series: How Russian Propaganda WorksNov2Romanticism ColloquiumNov2Mellon Forum: Urban Greening and the Off-ModernNov2Workshop: Hardware, Everywhere. An Invitation to a New Field of Media MaterialismNov1Princeton Sound Kitchen: Dan Trueman & Caoimhín Ó RaghallaighNov1LLL: The Babysitter: a NovelNov1Getting to the Point. Genealogies of the Analog CodeNov1Latinx Archives in ContextNov1Arriving in the Present: Transcultural Perspectives in Contemporary German-Speaking Contexts—A Reading GroupNov1Transnational Terrorism and Organized Crime in Afghanistan and their Implications for Security in the Region and BeyondOct31UCHV Film Forum: Jordan Peele’s Nope (2022)Oct31Caribbean Studies Speakers Series: (An)archiving the Caribbean: Matters, Methods, MeaningsOct31The problem of Roman copies: A Transatlantic DissentOct31Indian Muslims and the BJP: the quest for the “acceptable” MuslimOct28“Low the sun; short its course”: Tracing the Celtic ritual cycle through music, manuscript and performanceOct28Screening of Free Chol Soo Lee and Filmmaker Q&AOct28Industrious Nations: Reconsidering Nationality and Economy in the Soviet UnionOct28The Same River Twice: On The Practice of TranslatingOct28Sappho Book 1: the beginning, the middle, and the endOct27Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We WantOct27Archival Silences Working Group: Too Many Metaphors: Sex and Reproduction in the ArchiveOct27Chryselephantine Couches, Feasting, and Royal Opulence in Hellenistic MacedoniaOct27Victorian ColloquiumOct27PLAS Graduate Works-in-ProgressOct27Global Existential Challenges: Democratic Challenges & Backsliding in the Global NorthOct27Munsee Language & History SymposiumOct26The Golden AssOct26Debt Working Group Inaugural MeetingOct26The Blank Beach: Sand as Material Memory in the CaribbeanOct26My talk, others’ talk — Quoted speech and evidentials in Kotiria conversationOct26The Invention of the “Political Offender”: The Sino-Japanese War and the Abortive Sino-American Extradition Treaty, 1893-1895Oct26The Caribbean Through a Science Fiction LensOct25Princeton University Press Poets with Susan StewartOct25“Getting to the Point. Genealogies of the Analog Code”Oct25The Queerness of HomeOct25Gauss Seminars in Criticism: Hortense J. SpillersOct25Mellon Forum // Of Milk, Blood, and Bones: Brazil’s Colonial and Postcolonial Plantation “Big House”Oct25Everyday Life in the ‘Spectacular’ City: Making Home in DubaiOct25Faculty Discussion: What Does Experiential Teaching Look Like?Oct24Till Movie Screening and Talk Back w/film producer Keith BeauchampOct24The Epidemic Sublime: Reflections on the Representation of Collective SufferingOct24The Royal Mint at Potosí: Inside a Global Seventeenth-Century Cash MachineOct24Politics of Contamination: Nuclear Impacts on Community HealthOct24Getting to Net-Zero: A Canadian PerspectiveOct14An American Martyr in PersiaOct14Screening Ireland: A Life in Film with Lenny AbrahamsonOct13“The Present: A New Period in European History”Oct12LAMB Workshop: Between Rabbi and Saint: The Reception of Gamaliel in the Medieval Latin West (1000-1300)Oct12Of Plush Toys, Hope, and Sorrow: Presenting Children’s War Experiences in a Museum SettingOct12Faculty Discussion: What Are the Limits of Flexibility and Compassion?Oct11Isostasy: Chamber Music from UkraineOct11The Book of Goose: A NovelOct11Canceled: Program in Media and Modernity: “Untying Things Together”Oct11James Baldwin Lecture Series: “The Limits Of The Quantitative Approach To Discrimination”Oct11Book Talk: Getting Something to Eat in Jackson: Race, Class, and Food in the American SouthOct11‘THE ANCIENT THREAD INTO MODERN DRESS: Using the Greek Classics to Tell Contemporary Stories’Oct11Soldiers and Kings: Inside the World of Human SmugglingOct11“The US Government’s Formulation of Middle East Policies: An Insider’s Perspective”Oct11Documenting the Unreal: Chronicling the Covid Lockdown in IndiaOct10UCHV Film Forum: Charles Burnett’s Killer of Sheep (1978)Oct10Seed Farm Open HouseOct7Celebration/Party TimeOct7Silence in Free ImprovisationOct7Artist Conversation: Marianne NicolsonOct7Reassessing Rousseau’s Political AntiquityOct6Medieval Studies Book Club: Wonderful to Relate: Miracle Stories and Miracle Collecting in High Medieval EnglandOct6The Spirit of ’76: Slavery, Empire, and the Anthropocene in Octavia E. Butler’s ‘Kindred’Oct6The Sassoons: The Global Merchants and the Making of a DynastyOct6A Symposium on the Work of Patrice NganangOct6Troubling Times: South Asia and the PostcolonialOct5Glare Captured Through Telescope Eyes: On Seeing and Unseeming in the New EthersOct5Marx’s Critique and its Implications for a Critical PhilosophyOct5EHL Seminar: “HistoGenes: Integrating Genomic, Archaeological, and Historical Perspectives on Eastern Central Europe”Oct5Sonorous Worlds: Musical Enchantment in VenezuelaOct5Medieval Studies Faculty Colloquium: “Beginnings and Anomalies. The Example of Medieval Iberia”Oct4Fall 2022 Mellon Forum on the Urban Environment / Palm PoliticsOct3UCHV Film Forum: Melvin Van Peebles’ Three Day Pass (1969)Oct3Roman failure: inequality in practiceOct3Ahasver, the Wandering Jew: Between History and LiteratureOct3Howard Crosby Butler: The Man Who Went to Wake The Dead, 1872-1922Sep30Celebration/Party TimeSep30Faculty Panel: Seeing ShipwrecksSep29Book Launch: Radical PedagogiesSep29Friends Annual Mary Pitcairn Keating Lecture | Art Museums on the Verge: Christopher KnightSep29“Cities of Gold?” Immigration, Prosperity, and Place in the American EconomySep29Global Existential Challenges: Democratic Challenges & Backsliding in the Global SouthSep28Whose Water? A Conversation About the Human Impact of California’s Water PoliciesSep27Body Work and Media Design: The F+F School for Experimental Design 1971-1981Sep27Hamaguchi in Residence: Screening and Discussion of the Workshop Student FilmsSep27Arriving in the Present: Transcultural Perspectives in Contemporary German-Speaking Contexts—A Reading GroupSep27Taking a Knee: Human Rights, Social Justice and Sports Writing for a Conflicted WorldSep26Jacques Schwarz-Bart presents The Harlem SuiteSep26UCHV Film Forum: Gordon Parks’ The Learning Tree (1969)Sep26Songwriting: Theory of Medieval SongSep26Life at Berkou: a newly-discovered Roman fortress in EgyptSep25Hamaguchi in Residence: Public Screening of “Asako I & II”Sep24Hamaguchi in Residence: Public Screening of “Drive My Car”Sep23Hamaguchi in Residence: Public Screening of “Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy”Sep23Belknap Global Conversation with Filmmaker Ryusuke HamaguchiSep23Hamaguchi in Residence: Public Screening of “Storytellers”Sep23Working for the Emperor: Behind the Scenes at AntiumSep22Atelier@Large: Conversations on Art-making in a Vexed Era with Tom StoppardSep22Alphabets, Fridge Magnets, the Morning PaperSep22Caribbean Studies Speakers Series (CSSS)– “Tuning into the Caribbean: Sonic Practices and Technologies”Sep22Artist Talk: Mario MooreSep22Returning to Ambrogio Lorenzetti’s Government FrescoesSep22Ask Your Questions, a Belknap Visiting Fellows Residency with Daniel Alexander JonesSep22The Garden of Bedil: The Indo-Persian Literary and Cultural LandscapeSep21Author ConversationSep21Latin America: The Temptation of AuthoritarianismSep21Mellon Forum: RACE EMPIRE ENVIRONMENT // Remapping Afro-Caribbean LandscapesSep20On the BiasSep20The E. Franklin Robbins/UJA-Federation Lecture – Ilana PardesSep20Major Corrections: the Materialist Philology of Sebastiano TimpanaroSep20Writers In Conversation: On Migration, Language and the Stories of Our LivesSep20Poison and politics: toward a (pre-modern?) theory of community and communicationSep20‘Asfüriyyeh: A History of Madness, Modernity, and War in the Middle EastSep19Ask Your Questions, a Belknap Visiting Fellows Residency with Daniel Alexander JonesSep19Missing Universality: Absence and PoliticsSep19Leonardo Sciascia: The Man and the WriterSep19Center for Digital Humanities Open HouseSep16Doctrine and Practice beyond Borders: International Interactions in East Asian Buddhism. A Numata Visiting Scholar Fund WorkshopSep14LAMB Workshop: Preliminary Remarks on Thomas Hélye and the Miracula AntiquaSep142022 Princeton University Constitution DaySep14“Us” as “one”: First person plurals as impersonals in MayanSep14Mellon Forum // Race Empire Environment // The Politics of DwellingSep14Un Apocalipsis Bíblico: Guerra de Vietnam, Religión y Orden Ecológico en la Obra de León FerrariSep13Atelier@Large: Conversations on Art-making in a Vexed Era – Jennifer Egan & Michael J. LoveSep13Program in Media and Modernity Event: A Black GazeSep13The Rose and Isaac Ebel LectureSep13Doublespeak in ancient Greek and modern Ethiopian satireSep13Degrade and Destroy: How the U.S. Defeated the Islamic State?Sep9Artist Conversation: Rose B. SimpsonSep9The Court Jester and the Black Castrato: Giovannino Buonaccorsi at the Medici CourtSep9The News from Dublin: A Reading by Colm TóibínSep9Seuls en Scène – Princeton French Theater FestivalSep816th Annual Humanities ColloquiumSep6Has Political Islam in Turkey been Ended by the AKP?Aug24CCH Summer Book Club | “Violeta: A Novel” by Isabel Allende