Synaxis and Workshops | A Hidden World Revealed: The Palimpsests of Saint Catherine’s Monastery on Mount Sinai
December 12, 2022—December 16, 2022 · 219 Aaron Burr Hall
The Committee for the Study of Late Antiquity; the Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies

Founded by the Roman emperor Justinian in the sixth century, the Monastery of Saint Catherine in the Sinai is one of the most famous monasteries in the world and a place whose celebrated manuscript collection is of profound importance for a number of academic fields. A series of workshops at Princeton will highlight the recent, spectacular findings of the Sinai Palimpsests Project, illustrating the methods of multi-spectral imaging and image-processing, along with cataloging and paleographic work with Arabic, Greek, Latin, and Syriac manuscripts. Leading experts in their fields will give presentations followed by hands-on sessions with participants.
More information and full schedule can be found here.