Indian Muslims and the BJP: the quest for the “acceptable” Muslim
The Institute for the Transregional Study, NES, Ali Khan Mahmudabad 219 Aaron Burr
October 31, 2022 · 12:00 pm—1:00 pm · 219 Aaron Burr Hall or Zoom
Ali Khan Mahmudabad teaches history and political science at Ashoka University, India. He is an historian, political scientist, writer, columnist, and an occasional poet. He completed his MPhil and PhD from the University of Cambridge (UK). He previously studied the Arabic language at the University of Damascus (Syria) and did a double degree in History and Political Science at Amherst College (USA).
His first book was Poetry of Belonging, Muslim Imaginings of India, 1850-1950 which was published by Oxford University Press in 2020. He writes a fortnightly column for the Urdu national daily, Inqilab, and writes also for a number of English language magazines and newspapers. Prof. Khan Mahmudabad is an Aspen Fellow (class of 2021).
Free and open to the public. Register to attend virtually.