UCHV Research Film Studio
Gyula Gazdag; filmmaker; Erika Kiss, University Center for Human Values
March 13, 2023 · 9:00 am—March 20, 2023 · 5:00 pm · Princeton University
University Center for Human Values

The UCHV Research Film Studio offers an opportunity for Princeton University students (Campus Productions) and faculty (Local Spirit Initiative) to develop their research ideas through short films as well as other publications in immersive and mixed media and supports the students’ coursework for Kiss’s studio classes. The Research Film Studio regularly invites award-winning film directors for intensive filmmaking workshops.
Call for Applications
The UCHV Research Film Studio launches its first intensive Film School in the spring of 2023. The week-long daily workshops will take place in Princeton University from March 13 to March 20 in the spring break. Our guest professor, Gyula Gazdag will prepare the Research Film Studio’s first collective student film, The Curious Adventures of William Monroe Trotter for production. The school will close on Monday, March 20th with a public conversation between Gyula Gazdag and Erika Kiss entitled Research and Filmmaking.
All Princeton University undergraduates are eligible to apply.
Submit a sample dialog based on the minutes of the White House meeting between Wilson and Trotter that you may download from here. Study the Hidden History of Hollywood course website and the production book to understand what the historical meeting was about.
Choose a characteristic style or genre for your dialogue: it may be satirical, or comedic, or existentialist, or absurd, or tragic, or melodramatic, or a thriller, or horror.
Submit photos taken of interior and exterior locations relevant to the 1914 story that takes place in Washington DC. The images can be fragmented, archival or taken by you and should not contain elements that are anachronistic. The best practice is to scout locations on the Princeton campus that can be used for the film: e.g. photograph a white column or an adequate room that can be used for a White House scene, or exteriors and interiors that can be used for a DC building. The images are supposed to serve both as historical references and as mood boards. The photographs you take may have a recognizable style: gothic, super realist, dreamy, surreal, etc.
Please indicate your wish to attend as soon as possible by writing to Kim Girman to expect your submission. Applications will be evaluated in the order they are received until February 28.