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Princeton University Press Poets with Susan Stewart

Princeton University Press; Humanities Council; Department of English, Susan Stewart, English Labyrinth Books & Online

October 25, 2022 · 6:00 pm7:30 pm · Labyrinth Books and Livestream

Labyrinth Books and the Princeton University Press invite you for an evening of readings by poets in the Press’s Princeton Series of Contemporary Poets, which is edited by Professor Susan Stewart. Professor Stewart will introduce our wonderful line-up of poets.

It had become a tradition at Labyrinth to introduce our community to two new poets published in the series every year. Covid interrupted these special evenings. We are thrilled to be able to make up for this loss now by hosting some of the poets whom you haven’t been able to meet in Princeton because of the pandemic. If you can’t make it to the store, do join us online here.

You can browse the entire Series of Contemporary Poets and find out more about the poets themselves here. With us to read from their new collections on October 25th will be the following poets:

Anthony Carelli, The New World: Infinitesimal Epics
Jody Gladding, I Entered without Words
Troy Jollimore, Earthly Delights
Nat Klug, Hosts and Guests
Tawanda Mulalu, Please Make me Pretty: I Don’t Want to Die

This event is co-sponsored by the Princeton University Press, and Princeton’s English Department and Humanities Council

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