Eberhard L. Faber IV Memorial Lectures

Peggy Phelan, the Ann O'Day Maples Professor of the Arts Professor of English at Stanford University gave a lecture on "Contact Warhol: Photography without End."

Since 1963, eminent writers, critics and scholars have come to campus through this program endowed by the Faber family and members of the Class of 1915. Each literature department and program may propose one visitor each year.

The gift of Eberhard L. Faber IV is intended to support lectures, colloquia, workshops and discussions in the field of literature. We define “literature” broadly to include such topics as criticism, history, theory, and the relation of literature to society, technology, and the other arts. The Humanities Council especially welcomes proposals for innovative formats and events that might not readily be accommodated as regular departmental lectures.


Departments and programs eligible for Faber Lecture support are:

  • American Studies
  • Center for Digital Humanities
  • Classics
  • Comparative Literature
  • East Asian Studies
  • English
  • European Cultural Studies
  • Film Studies
  • French and Italian
  • Germanic Languages and Literatures
  • Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in the Humanities
  • Italian Studies
  • Judaic Studies
  • Medieval Studies
  • Near Eastern Studies
  • Renaissance and Early Modern Studies
  • Slavic Languages and Literatures
  • Spanish and Portuguese
  • Study of Late Antiquity

Applications are accepted from Department Chairs and Program Directors.  

Applications will be accepted throughout the year and normally are submitted a full semester in advance (or at least 6 weeks prior to event). It is particularly important to check possible dates against the year-long Humanities Council Calendar of Events. The Council does not typically fund proposals that conflict with other related events.

The total contribution for an individual event may amount to $3,500, although not all events will require the full amount. An invitation to an early career scholar or a nearby guest would normally entail fewer expenses. Departments may supplement Faber grants with their own funds. 

  • Honorarium (typically $500 for early career scholars; average of $1,000 for senior scholars, maximum of $1,500 in special cases)
  • Travel Costs (Economy fare transportation from home campus (or the last campus visited) to Princeton)
  • Lodging
  • Publicity Costs (posters and advertisements)
How to Apply


Before extending a formal invitation, applications will be accepted throughout the year and normally are submitted a full semester in advance (or at least 6 weeks prior to event)

2023-24 Lectures
2022-23 Lectures
2021-22 Lectures
2020-21 Lectures
2019-20 Lecturers
2018-19 Lecturers
2017-18 Lecturers
2016-17 Lecturers
2015-16 Lecturers
  • Jon Whitman, Hebrew University: Encountering Scripture in Overlapping Cultures: Early Jewish, Christian and Muslim Strategies of Reading and Their Contemporary Implications
  • Clare A. Lees, King’s College London: Life Classes From Anglo-Saxon England: Three Studies in the Self
  • Alexander Zholkovsky, University of Southern California: “Who Organized the Standing Ovation?”: Stalin, Akhmatova, and Shakespeare
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