Calendar of Events

105 Chancellor Green

Persuasion: Oratory and the Novel

Frances Ferguson

Department of English; Humanities Council
209 Scheide Caldwell 209 Scheide Caldwell, Princeton, NJ, United States

Medieval Faculty Colloquium: “How Tang Literature Became ‘Ancient’: Evolving Models of Tang Dynasty Literary History in the Northern Song”

Anna Shields, East Asian Studies

Program in Medieval Studies
216 Aaron Burr Hall , United States

‘Just Another Boss:’ Autogestion, Workers’ Control, and the Fate of Socialism in Chile, 1972

Jeffrey L. Gould, Institute for Advanced Study; Indiana University, Emeritus

Program in Latin American Studies
211 Dickinson Hall or Zoom

Committee for the Study of Books & Media | “Lay Readings of the Bible in the Seventeenth-Century Atlantic World”

Kirsten Macfarlane, University of Oxford
205 East Pyne

Goethe’s Philosophical Lexicon

John Smith, UC-Irvine

Department of German
Room N107, School of Architecture Room N107, School of Architecture, Princeton, NJ, United States

Media and Modernity: “In the Black Fantastic”

Ekow Eshun, writer and curator

Program in Media and Modernity
James Stewart Theater

“Navalny” Film Screening and discussion with Christo Grozev

Christo Grozev, Bellingcat

University Center for Human Values' Film Forum; Academic Freedom Initiative
1-S-5 Green Hall 1-S-5 Green Hall, Princeton, NJ, United States

Operational opacity at the clausal middlefield

Asia Pietraszko

Program in Linguistics
111 East Pyne 111 East Pyne

Ecotheories Colloquium: “Black Star: Charles Hérard-Dumesle’s Haitian Naturalism”

Monique Allewaert, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Department of English
102 Jones Hall Princeton, NJ, United States

PISC no. 6: “Sex, Homoeroticism, and Persian Literature in 19th-century India”

Hasan Hameed, History

Near Eastern Studies Department
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