Calendar of Events

Digital Learning Lab, 130 Lewis Science Library

McGraw Center Faculty Workshop: Active Learning: Tech Tools and Analog Approaches

McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning

McGraw Center Faculty Discussion: Accessibility as a Care Practice in the Classroom and Beyond

Christopher “Unpezverde” Núñez

McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning
202 Jones Hall

Public Interest and State Legitimation: Early Modern England, Japan, and China

Wenkai He

East Asian Studies Program
111 East Pyne 111 East Pyne

Ecotheories Colloquium: “Dams that Save: Law, Beavers, and the Making of the Yukon River”

Bathsheba Demuth

English Department
Princeton Public Library

LLL Presents — Imagination: A Manifesto

Ruha Benjamin, African American Studies; Lorgia García Peña, Effron Center for the Study of America

Labyrinth Books; Princeton Public Library; Not In Our Town Princeton
006 Friend Center 006 Friend Center, Princeton, NJ, United States

The Abundance of Medieval Literature: An Eco-Computational Perspective

Mike Kestemont

Center for Digital Humanities; Manuscript, Rare Book & Archive Studies
B Floor, Firestone Library B Floor, Firestone Library

CDH Collaborative Research Grant Information Session

Center for Digital Humanities
010 East Pyne

Racial Rage, Racial Guilt: The Uses of Anger in Asian America

David Eng, University of Pennsylvania

Department of English; Humanities Council
1-S-5 Green Hall 1-S-5 Green Hall, Princeton, NJ, United States

What’s in Universal Grammar? On participles and the inventory of grammatical primitives

Maša Bešlin

Program in Linguistics
Green Hall 3-S-15

Displaced Decoration: Ethnographic Photography, Indigenous Portraiture, and the Rookwood Pottery Company

Manon Gaudet

Department of Art & Archaeology; Lewis Center for the Arts
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