Calendar of Events

161 East Pyne and Zoom

Sappho Book 1: the beginning, the middle, and the end

Patrick Finglass

Department of Classics
Zoom Princeton, NJ, United States

The Same River Twice: On The Practice of Translating

Saskia Vogel

Program in Translation & Intercultural Communication and the Humanities Council
211 Dickinson Hall

Industrious Nations: Reconsidering Nationality and Economy in the Soviet Union

Department of History; Harriman Institute, Columbia University
Princeton Garden Theatre 160 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ, United States

Screening of Free Chol Soo Lee and Filmmaker Q&A

Julie Ha and Eugene Yi, Filmmakers

East Asian Studies Department; Effron Center for the Study of America; Committee for Film Studies
James Stewart Film Theater, 185 Nassau Street Princeton, United States

“Low the sun; short its course”: Tracing the Celtic ritual cycle through music, manuscript and performance

Helen Phelan, University of Limerick, Ireland

Fund for Irish Studies; Lewis Center for the Arts
219 Aaron Burr Hall or Zoom

Indian Muslims and the BJP: the quest for the “acceptable” Muslim

Ali Khan Mahmudabad

The Institute for the Transregional Study, NES
203 Scheide Caldwell House 203 Scheide Caldwell House, Princeton, United States

The problem of Roman copies: A Transatlantic Dissent

Luca Giuliani

Program in the Ancient World
010 East Pyne Princeton, NJ, United States

Caribbean Studies Speakers Series: (An)archiving the Caribbean: Matters, Methods, Meanings

Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel, University of Miami; Jocelyn Fenton Stitt, St. Catherine’s University; Katerina González Seligmann, University of Connecticut

Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Humanities Council
Green Hall 0-S-6 Princeton, NJ, United States

UCHV Film Forum: Jordan Peele’s Nope (2022)

University Center for Human Values
202 Jones Hall and Zoom 202 Jones Hall, NJ

Transnational Terrorism and Organized Crime in Afghanistan and their Implications for Security in the Region and Beyond

Dr. Arian Sharifi

Institute for the Transregional Study (TRI)
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