Calendar of Events

010 East Pyne 010 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ, United States

Reading the Social: Lenz, Moritz, Karsch

Nacim Ghanbari

Department of German
B Floor, Firestone Library B Floor, Firestone Library

Drawing the Line: What Happens When the Data Gets Graphic?

Deb Verhoeven

Center for Digital Humanities

Blackface and Drag in Early Roman Comedy

Amy Richlin

Department of Classics and the Eberhard L. Faber 1915 Memorial Fund in the Humanities Council
010 East Pyne 010 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ, United States

Securing ‘Asia for Asians’: Race, Counterinsurgency, and the U.S. Empire, 1954-1963

Simeon Man

Program in American Studies
Betts Auditorium Betts Auditorium, Princeton, NJ, United States

Can Film Be Saved?

James Schamus, Principal, Symbolic Exchange; former CEO, Focus Features; Professor of Professional Practice, Columbia University

Committee for Film Studies with support from the John Sacret Young '69 Fund and the Humanities Council
105 Chancellor Green Chancellor Green 105, Princeton, NJ, United States

Religion and the State of Classical Greece and Rome

Department of Classics, Humanities Council (Stewart Seminars in Religion), Center for the Study of Religion, University Center for Human Values
144 Louis A. Simpson International Building

Arbitraging Japaneseness: Translating Haruki Murakami in the West

Anna Zielinska-Elliott

Program in Translation and Intercultural Communication
211 Dickinson 211 Dickinson, Princeton, NJ, United States

The Cairo Geniza, Central Asian Paper, and the Middle East’s Archive Problem

Marina Rustow

Program in Medieval Studies
010 East Pyne 010 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ, United States

Becoming Feral: Sex, Death, and Falconry

Jack Halberstam

Department of English, the Program in Gender & Sexuality Studies, and the LGBT Center
103 Scheide Caldwell 103 Scheide Caldwell, Princeton, NJ, United States

Landscapes of the Poor in Late Antiquity

Kimberly Bowes, University of Pennsylvania

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