Calendar of Events

Betts Auditorium

CFS Faber Lecture: Cinematic Faces and Hands

Mary Ann Doane, UC-Berkeley

Committee for Film Studies
40 McCosh 40 McCosh, Princeton , NJ, United States

“The Making Out of Americans: Biology and the Poetics of Queer Social Reproduction”

Natalia Cecire

Department of English, Bain-Swiggett Fund
Green Hall 0-S-6 Princeton, NJ, United States

Black Girls Fly: Ruminations on Religion, Race, and Technology

LeRhonda Manigault-Bryant

Center for Culture, Society and Religion
East Pyne Lower Hyphen

AfroColombia: A panorama of life and living in Chocó

Jeison Riascos el Murcy, Photographer

Department of Spanish and Portuguese
East Pyne 010 East Pyne 010, Princeton, United States

The Rise of the Christian Economy in the post-Christian West

Ian Wood

Program in Medieval Studies; Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies; Committee for the Study of Late Antiquity
A71 Louis A. Simpson Building

Translators on Publishing

Flora Thomson-DeVeaux, translator, writer, and researcher; Katrina Dodson, writer and translator

Program in Translation and Intercultural Communication
Zoom Princeton, NJ, United States

The Jesuits: A History

Markus Friedrich

Center for Collaborative History
101 Friend Center

Cinema with Power | Documentary Screening and Welcome Reception

Prakash Jha

M.S. Chadha Center for Global India
Room N107, School of Architecture Room N107, School of Architecture, Princeton, NJ, United States

Media and Modernity: “Gawkers”

Bridget Alsdorf, Art & Archaeology

Program in Media and Modernity
Labyrinth Books and Livestream 122 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ, United States

LLL Presents | Reading Shakespeare Reading Me

Leonard Barkan, Department of Comparative Literature, Emeritus; Leah Whittington, Harvard University

Princeton Public Library; Labyrinth Books; Humanities Council; Department of English
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