Calendar of Events

Betts Auditorium and Zoom Princeton, NJ, United States

Mellon Forum // Against the Rule of Property: Violence, Land Reclamation, and Decolonization

Bikrum Singh Gill

144 Louis A. Simpson Building

Dhwani and the Art of Non-Binary Translation

Translator in Residence, Program in Translation and the Humanities Council

Daisy Rockwell
010 East Pyne

Hergé et l’art de la bande dessinée

Benoît Peeters, author
40 McCosh 40 McCosh, Princeton , NJ, United States

‘The Hot Center’: The Literary Establishment, circa 1963

Laura McGrath, Temple University
216 Aaron Burr Hall , United States

Book Talk: ‘Undermining the State from Within: The Institutional Legacies of Civil War in Central America’

Rachel A. Schwartz, University of Oklahoma
Room N107, School of Architecture Room N107, School of Architecture, Princeton, NJ, United States

Media and Modernity Doctoral Colloquium | Spring 2024

Tairan An, Architecture; Joe Bucciero, Art & Archaeology; Clemens Finkelstein, Architecture; Julian Rose, Art & Archaeology
Drapkin Studio at Lewis Arts complex Princeton, NJ, United States

Reading by David Henry Hwang & Ilya Kaminsky

David Henry Hwang, playwright and screenwriter; Ilya Kaminsky, Lewis Center for the Arts
161 East Pyne

Translating Genre Fiction

Rakesh Khanna, translator

Program in Translation and Intercultural Communication
1879 Hall, Room 140

Hatred, Discrimination, and Violence: Russia, Ukraine, War, and Orthodoxy

Nicholas Denysenko, Valparaiso University
100 Jones Hall

The Histories of Catharsis

R. Darren Gobert, Whitney J. Oates Fellow in the Humanities Council and Department of English
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