Calendar of Events

CoLab Gallery, Lewis Arts Complex

When Pages Breathe: Immersive Elocution of Literature, an installation

Chesney Snow, Lewis Center for the Arts

Lewis Center for the Arts’ Program in Theater & Music Theater
Princeton Public Library

LLL Presents Mihret Sibhat & Wendy Belcher – “The History of a Difficult Child: a Novel”

Mihret Sibhat, author; Wendy Belcher, Comparative Literature and African American Studies

Labyrinth Books; Princeton Public Library
James Stewart Film Theater, 185 Nassau Street Princeton, United States

Reading by award-winning writer Caoilinn Hughes

Caoilinn Hughes, author

Fund for Irish Studies; Lewis Center for the Arts
219 Aaron Burr Hall

Political Imaginaries Unmoored: Beyond the Universal and Particular

Elizabeth A. Povinelli

Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in the Humanities (IHUM)
101 Friend Center

Photo History’s Futures: Aglaya Glebova

Aglaya Glebova, University of California, Berkeley

Department of Art & Archaeology; Princeton University Art Museum
Chancellor Green Rotunda Princeton, NJ, United States

Fall Student Reading

Lewis Center for the Arts’ Program in Creative Writing
Princeton High School Auditorium

PHS & LLL Present – Meth Lunches: Food and Longing in an American City

Kim Foster, food critic

Labyrinth Books; Princeton High School; Princeton Public Library; Princeton Food Project.
A17 Julis Romo Rabinowitz Building Washington Road, Princeton, NJ

Kwartler Family Lecture – How did Helena of Adiabene Become Queen of Jerusalem?

Sarit Kattan Gribetz, Fordham University

Program in Judaic Studies
010 East Pyne 010 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ, United States

Writing in Good Faith for Reading in Bad Faith, Or: Making Literature in the Age of Haters

Joshua Cohen, author

Department of Comparative Literature; Department of German; Humanities Council
Labyrinth Books 122 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ, United States

The Buddhist and the Ethicist: Conversations on Effective Altruism, Engaged Buddhism, and More

Peter Singer, University Center for Human Values; Robert Wright, author

Labyrinth Books
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