211 Dickinson Hall or Zoom

Committee for the Study of Books & Media | “Lay Readings of the Bible in the Seventeenth-Century Atlantic World”

Kirsten Macfarlane, University of Oxford
211 Dickinson Hall or Zoom

Launching a Digital History Lab for the Twenty-First Century: Concepts, Methods, and Institutions

Jo Guldi, Short-Term Old Dominion Fellow in the Humanities Council, the Department of History, and the Center for Digital Humanities
211 Dickinson Hall or Zoom

“Presbyterianism and Enlightenment”

Min Tae Cha *23

Center for Collaborative History
211 Dickinson Hall or Zoom

4th Annual Mid-Atlantic Ottomanist Workshop

Center for Collaborative History
211 Dickinson Hall or Zoom

“A Nation of Prisoners: The Rise and Growth of Immigration Detention in the United States”

Ana Minian

Center for Collaborative History
211 Dickinson Hall or Zoom

The History of Value in Nineteenth Century North America

Center for Collaborative History
211 Dickinson Hall or Zoom

“Labor, Love and Loss: Black Women and Care-Work during the Civil War”

LaKisha Simmons

Center for Collaborative History
211 Dickinson Hall or Zoom

Medieval Black Sea Seminar Series

211 Dickinson Hall or Zoom

Medieval Black Sea Seminar Series

211 Dickinson Hall or Zoom

THAT’S HISTORY? Thirty Years After the End of Apartheid

African Humanities Colloquium; Center for Collaborative History; Humanities Council; University Center for Human Values
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