103 Scheide Caldwell 103 Scheide Caldwell, Princeton, NJ, United States

Law Before Islam

Caroline Humfress

Committee for the Study of Late Antiquity
103 Scheide Caldwell 103 Scheide Caldwell, Princeton, NJ, United States

Bound Together Through an Indissoluble Power

Sotiris Mitralexis

Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies
103 Scheide Caldwell 103 Scheide Caldwell, Princeton, NJ, United States

Alexander the Great’s Economic Revolution

Katerina Panagopoulou

Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies
103 Scheide Caldwell 103 Scheide Caldwell, Princeton, NJ, United States

Center or Periphery? Constantinople and the Eurasian Trading System

Peter Sarris

Committee for the Study of Late Antiquity
103 Scheide Caldwell 103 Scheide Caldwell, Princeton, NJ, United States

Landscapes of the Poor in Late Antiquity

Kimberly Bowes, University of Pennsylvania

Committee for the Study of Late Antiquity
103 Scheide Caldwell 103 Scheide Caldwell, Princeton, NJ, United States

Ninth Annual International Graduate Student Conference in Modern Greek Studies

Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies
103 Scheide Caldwell 103 Scheide Caldwell, Princeton, NJ, United States

Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the (Pointless) Search for the Origins of Christian Monasticism

Columba Stewart, Institute for Advanced Study

Committee for the Study of Late Antiquity
103 Scheide Caldwell 103 Scheide Caldwell, Princeton, NJ, United States

Old and New: The Birth of Byzantine Epigraphy

Sylvain Destephen, Université Paris Nanterre

Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies
103 Scheide Caldwell 103 Scheide Caldwell, Princeton, NJ, United States

Poems of Peach and War: Apollinaire, Seferis and the World Wars

Lilia Diamantopoulou, Visiting Research Fellow

Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies
103 Scheide Caldwell 103 Scheide Caldwell, Princeton, NJ, United States

Oikos: A Poetry Reading and Conversation

Aliki Barnstone, University of Missouri

Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies
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