Calendar of Events

16 Joseph Henry House

An Extraordinary Time For Journalism In America

Visiting Ferris Professor of Journalism

Ron Allen
010 East Pyne

On Anticolonial Homemaking

Julietta Singh, Whitney J. Oates Short-Term Fellow in the Humanities Council and the Effron Center for the Study of America
224 Morrison Hall

Workshop with Julietta Singh

Julietta Singh, Whitney J. Oates Short-Term Fellow in the Humanities Council and the Effron Center for the Study of America
16 Joseph Henry House

Sex and Work and Love in America and Abroad

Visiting Ferris Professor of Journalism

May Jeong
219 Aaron Burr Hall

The Most Beautiful Possible Line

University of California, Berkeley

Liesl Yamaguchi
16 Joseph Henry House

Humanities and Beyond: Council Funding Information Session

101 Friend Center

Tanner Lectures on Human Values: “In Praise of Racial Liberalism”

Harvard Law School

Randall L. Kennedy
101 Friend Center

Tanner Lectures on Human Values: “In Praise of Racial Liberalism”

Randall L. Kennedy, Harvard Law School
Betts Auditorium

Gauss Seminars in Criticism: Elizabeth Walker

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