Calendar of Events

3-S-15 Green Hall

Caravaggio and the Echos of Figuration

David Young Kim, University of Pennsylvania and Institute for Advanced Study

Department of Art & Archaeology; Lewis Center for the Arts
Labyrinth Books 122 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ, United States

LLL Presents – Tabula Rasa, Vol. 1

John McPhee, Journalism; Joel Achenbach, The Washington Post; Robert Wright, author

Labyrinth Books; Princeton Public Library; Humanities Council
16 Joseph Henry House

Public Humanities Across Borders

Sarah Churchwell, School of Advanced Study, University of London

Humanities Council

McGraw Center Faculty Workshop: Using Social Annotation to Increase Student Engagement

McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning
161 East Pyne

(Re)Discovery: Modernist Travelogues by Sofia Yablonska, A Daring Ukrainian Woman Globetrotting in the 1930s

Hanna Leliv, Univesrity Translator in Residence

Program in Translation and Intercultural Communication
3rd Floor Atrium, Aaron Burr Princeton, United States

Writing a Feminist Epic: A Conversation about ‘Las Extraterrestres’

Juliana Borrero Echeverry, Author

Program in Latin American Studies
Arthur Lewis Auditorium, Robertson Hall NJ

Q&A with Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie | Africa World Lecture Series

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, author

African World Initative; Department of African American Studies; Program in African Studies; PIIRS
East Pyne Lower Hyphen

Traz d’horizonte: Impressions from Cabo Verde

Department of Spanish & Portuguese; Humanities Council
101 Friend Center

Fatal Forgiveness: Euripides, Austin, Cavell, Arendt

Bonnie Honig, Brown University

University Center for Human Values
010 East Pyne Princeton, NJ, United States

The Art of Losing or The Afterlives of the Algerian War: A Conversation with Alice Zeniter

Alice Zeniter, novelist; André Benhaim, French and Italian; Gyan Prakash, History

Department of French and Italian; Humanities Council
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