Calendar of Events

219 Aaron Burr Hall

East of Eden: A Case Against Nostalgia

M. Cathleen Kaveny

Department of Religion
Chancellor Green Rotunda Princeton, NJ, United States

L’Avant-Scène presents Cyrano de Bergerac By Edmond Rostand

Department of French and Italian
113 Friend Center and Zoom

Princeton Phonology Forum (PɸF) – The Wheres and Whens of Affixation

Program in Linguistics
161 East Pyne and Zoom

“A tree named for friendship: reading Homer’s phylia”

Tim Whitmarsh

Department of Classics
A71 Louis A. Simpson Building

How did they learn? How did they teach?: Exploring Knowledge Transmission from Late Antiquity to the Early Modern

Program in Medieval Studies; Committee on Renaissance and Early Modern Studies
Engineering Library, Fine Hall, Visualization Lab

Late Ottoman Turkey in Princeton’s Forgotten Maps, 1883-1923

Richard J. A. Talbert, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Wangyal Shawa, Princeton University Library

Princeton University Library
Firestone Library, Floor B

Data Science for the Humanities and Social Sciences Social Hour

Princeton Institute for Computational Science & Engineering; OIT Research Computing
205 East Pyne and Zoom

The Kids Aren’t Alright: Afro-German Afrofuturism and the Fight for Futurity

Priscilla Layne

German Department
Betts Auditorium

Sick Architecture

Beatriz Colomina, Architecture

Program in Latin American Studies
Berlind Theatre Rehearsal Room

L’Avant-Scène presents Fragments XXII

Department of French and Italian; L’Avant-Scène
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