Calendar of Events

201 Madison Hall

L’Avant-Scène presents “Bérénice” by Racine

L’Avant-Scène; Department of French and Italian; French Theater Workshop
209 Scheide Caldwell

Qualis artifex pereo! Nero the Great Contriver

Serena Connolly, Rutgers University

Program in the Ancient World
103 Scheide Caldwell House Princeton, United States

Workshop: “Orthodox Christianity and the Modern Age: Developing a New Hermeneutic of Tradition”

Vladimir Latinovic, Stanley J. Seeger Visiting Fellow

Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies
300 Wallace Hall

“What is a Recipe?”: Lecture & Tasting with Andrea Borghini

University Center for Human Values; Princeton Food Project
144 Louis A. Simpson Building

Troy and Gordion: An Excavator’s Perspective on Two Legendary Sites in Anatolia

C. Brian Rose, University of Pennsylvania

Department of Classics
Art on Hulfish 11 Hulfish St, Princeton

Outside the Frame: What Photography Hides

Julie Felise Dubiner, McCarter Theatre; Christy Wampole, Department of French and Italian and IHUM

Princeton University Art Museum; McCarter Theatre
010 East Pyne

Advocating for and Strengthening Language Programs

Amanda Seewald, JNCL-NCLIS

Department of French and Italian; Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Department of East Asian Studies; Department of German

Crisis in the Middle East Series: “A New Era for Syria”

Zaid Al-Ali, SPIA; Deborah Amos, Journalism; Amaney A. Jamal, SPIA; Marwan Muasher, Carnegie

Princeton School of Public and International Affairs
North Gallery, School of Architecture Princeton, United States

FRONTIER SPIRIT: Paul R. Williams in California and Nevada | Photographs by Janna Ireland

School of Architecture
Matthews Theatre at McCarter Theatre Center Princeton, United States

Here There Are Blueberries + Post-Show Conversation

Rebecca Erbelding, US Holocaust Memorial Museum; Moisés Kaufman and Amanda Gronich, Tectonic Theater Project

McCarter Theater, Tectonic Theater Project, Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics
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