Calendar of Events

James Stewart Film Theater 185 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ, United States

Film Screening: Themes and Journeys of Artists and Filmmakers in New Jersey

Seyi Peter-Thomas, writer director; Cortney Lamar Charleston, poet

Lewis Center for the Arts; Thomas Edison Film Festival
James Stewart Film Theater 185 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ, United States

Conversation with Ruth McGowan & Derbhle Crotty of Ireland’s Abbey Theatre

Fund for Irish Studies; Lewis Center for the Arts
10 McCosh

US Avant-Premiere of “No Chains No Masters” (2024) followed by Q&A with filmmaker Simon Moutaïrou

Princeton Film Festival Society
Matthews Theatre at McCarter Theatre Center Princeton, United States

Here There Are Blueberries + Post-Show Conversation

David Goldman, FASPE; Jonathan Lee Walton, Princeton Theological Seminary; Jill Dolan, English

McCarter Theater, Tectonic Theater Project, Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics
B60A Louis A. Simpson Building

Tomorrow Someone Will Arrest You: Poetics of Resistance

Meena Kandasamy, poet and author

M.S. Chadha Center for Global India
010 East Pyne

Mytelka Memorial Lecture – What Animals Teach Us about Families: Kinship and Species in the Bible and Rabbinic Literature

Beth Berkowitz, Barnard College

Program in Judaic Studies
205 East Pyne

Gender and the Genres of Postwar Memory Culture: Novels of Domestic Decay from Haus ohne Hüter to Altes Land

Katra Byram, Ohio State University

German Department
216 Aaron Burr Hall , United States

Carceral Intimacies: Family Organizing, Social Reproduction of Life, and the Limits of El Salvador’s Carceral State

Grazzia Grimaldi, Program in Latin American Studies

Program in Latin American Studies; Department of Anthropology
Richardson Auditorium Richardson Auditorium, Princeton, NJ, United States

Atelier@Large: Conversations on Art-making in a Vexed Era – Rosanne Cash, Peter Gizzi, John Leventhal & RaMell Ross

The Lewis Center for the Arts’ Princeton Atelier; Labyrinth Books
A71 Louis A. Simpson Building

IHUM Faber Lecture – The Sonics of Self Determination

Lawrence Abu Hamden, Director of

Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in the Humanities; Eberhard L. Faber 1915 Memorial Fund in the Humanities Council; Department of Art & Archaeology
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