Calendar of Events

010 East Pyne Princeton, NJ, United States

Book Talk: The African Heritage of Latinx and Caribbean Literature

Sarah Quesada

Effron Center for the Study of America
211 Dickinson Hall or Zoom

“Labor, Love and Loss: Black Women and Care-Work during the Civil War”

LaKisha Simmons

Center for Collaborative History
219 Aaron Burr Hall

Theravada Buddhist responses to colonialism and their modern implications: Yin-Cheng Distinguished Lecture in Buddhism

Kate Crosby

Center for Culture, Society and Religion
School of Architecture and Zoom

Mellon Forum: Cüirtopia

Regner Ramos, University of Puerto Rico; Mary Pena, Princeton-Mellon / Program in Latin American Studies Fellow

Princeton Mellon Initiative in Architecture, Urbanism + the Humanities
East Pyne 010 and Zoom Princeton, NJ, United States

American Classical Scholarship, Comedy, and Disorientation

Constanze Güthenke

Department of Classics
Room N107, School of Architecture Room N107, School of Architecture, Princeton, NJ, United States

“Revolving Closets, Open Undergrounds”

Mehammed Mack

Program in Media and Modernity
Betts Auditorium

Gauss Seminars in Criticism: Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak

Labyrinth Books and Livestream 122 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ, United States

Best of Friends: A Novel

Kamila Shamsie, author; Michael Wood, English and Comparative Literature, Emeritus

Labyrinth Books; Department of English
Chancellor Green Rotunda Princeton, NJ, United States

A Transgenre Celebration

Department of French and Italian
Green Hall 3-S-15

Trading with the Enemy: Greek Pottery in the Persian World

Kathleen Lynch, University of Cincinatti

Archaeological Institute of America (AIA); Program in Archaeology
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