Calendar of Events

100 Jones Hall

The Background Fantastic: Ambient Fantasy from YouTube to the Metaverse

Committee for Film Studies

1879 Hall, Room 137

Bhimrao Ambedkar, John Dewey, and the Evolution of Navayana Buddhism: Buddhist Studies Workshop

Center for Culture, Society and Religion, Scott Stroud 1879 Hall Room 137

10 McCosh

Toni Morrison Lectures | Here Stands a Man: Morrison’s (Feminist?) Molding of Black Masculinity

Department of African American Studies, Farah Jasmine Griffin

Labyrinth Books and Livestream 122 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ, United States

LLL Presents | Take What You Need: A Novel

Labyrinth Books; Princeton Public Library; Humanities Council; Lewis Center for the Arts, Idra Novey, Lewis Center for the Arts; Yiyun Li, Lewis Center for the Arts

Labyrinth Books; Princeton Public Library; Humanities Council; Lewis Center for the Arts
Room 002, Robertson Hall

Oceanography Otherwise: Marine Methods in the Environmental Humanities

Blue Lab, an environmental research, art and storytelling group, Alison Glassie 002 Robertson Hall

161 East Pyne and Zoom

“Why were masks so essential for Greek tragedy?”

Department of Classics, Oliver Taplin 161 East Pyne

Arthur Lewis Auditorium, Robertson Hall Arthur Lewis Auditorium, Robertson Hall, Princeton, NJ, United States

Judge Zahid Quraishi in Conversation with Professor Udi Ofer

Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students

010 East Pyne Princeton, NJ, United States

Ut ekphrasis pictura: When Words Take Shape in Sir John Chardin’s Drawings of Muhammad’s Tomb in Mecca

Department of Art & Archaeology, Avinoam Shalem, Columbia University 010 East Pyne

105 Chancellor Green

Flaubert Blues

Department of French and Italian, Aymeric Glacet

10 McCosh

Toni Morrison Lectures | On the Far Side: Globalization in Morrison’s World

Department of African American Studies, Farah Jasmine Griffin

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