Calendar of Events

015 Robertson Hall

To Speak No More

Program in Translation and Intercultural Communication, Adania Shibli, author Robertson Hall, Room 015

010 East Pyne

Sheltering in Style

Department of English, Sunny Xiang, Yale University

010 East Pyne

Spring 2024 Anschutz Lecture: Food Culture, Food Justice, Food Art

Effron Center for the Study of America, Spatula&Barcode

161 East Pyne

Antinoos on the risks of getting too drunk

Department of Classics, Philomen Probert, University of Oxford

002 Robertson Hall

The Mary Underground: Subterranean Global Virgins

Department of Religion; Program in Hellenic Studies; Center for the Study of Late Antiquity, Matthew Milliner, Wheaton College

016 Robertson Hall

Regards Croisés – Innovative Projects in Language Teaching: Integrating Language and Content

Department of French and Italian, Richard Kern, University of California at Berkeley

138 Lewis Library

Minor Detail: Trespassing the Limits of Language

Program in Translation and Intercultural Communication, Adania Shibli, author

Art on Hulfish 11 Hulfish St, Princeton

Artist Conversation: Christina Fernandez and James Welling

Princeton University Art Museum

Labyrinth Books 122 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ, United States

Each One Another: The Self in Contemporary Art

Labyrinth Books, Rachel Haidu, University of Rochester; Irene Small, Art & Archaeology

Forum, Lewis Arts complex Lewis Arts Complex

The Society for Seventeenth-Century Music | Introducing Cavalli’s Veremonda, l’amazzone di Aragona (1652)

Department of Music

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