Calendar of Events

Chancellor Green Rotunda Princeton, NJ, United States

18th Annual Humanities Colloquium

Humanities Council
010 East Pyne

The Poetics of Translation

Don Mee Choi, Bain Swiggett Lecturer, Department of English

Department of English; Bain-Swiggett Fund
101 Friend Center

Tanner Lectures on Human Values: “In Praise of Racial Liberalism”

Randall L. Kennedy, Harvard Law School

University Center for Human Values
101 Friend Center

Tanner Lectures on Human Values: “In Praise of Racial Liberalism”

Randall L. Kennedy, Harvard Law School

University Center for Human Values

The Ends of Prosody

Center for Digital Humanities; Humanities Council; Bain-Swiggett Fund of the Department of English
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