Calendar of Events

Hurley Gallery, Lewis Arts complex

Exhibition — Poetic Record: Photography in a Transformed World

Lewis Center for the Arts; Humanities Council Magic Project
Hamilton Murray Theater


Theatre Intime
219 Aaron Burr Hall

The Cold War and Poetry: The Case of Czeslaw Milosz

Clare Cavanagh, Northwestern University

Program in Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies; Humanities Council
50 McCosh Hall 50 McCosh Hall, Princeton, NJ, United States

2024 Anthony B. Evnin Lecture with Hideo Mabuchi

Hideo Mabuchi '92, Stanford University

Council on Science and Technology; Princeton Materials Institute, Visual Arts, and Physics
209 Scheide Caldwell House Princeton, NJ, United States

David’s Inner Court: Dynasties and Their Discontents

Ilana Pardes, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Program in Judaic Studies; Department of Religion
Hinds Library, McCosh Hinds Library, McCosh, Princeton, NJ, United States

Intersections Working Group: Julia Jarcho — Throw Yourself Away: Writing and Masochism

Julia Jarcho, Brown University; Andrew Schlager, English

Department of English
216 Aaron Burr Hall , United States

“The Paper Question”: Materiality and Autonomy in Postcolonial Mexico

Corinna Zeltsman, History

Program in Latin American Studies
Chancellor Green Rotunda Princeton, NJ, United States

Fall Student Reading, presented by the Lewis Center for the Arts’ Program in Creative Writing

Lewis Center for the Arts’ Program in Creative Writing
Betts Auditorium

A Pitching Panel with the Editors of The European Review of Books

George Blaustein, University of Amsterdam; Sander Pleij, literary writer and author; Wiegerte Postma, Amsterdam Universtiy of the Arts

The Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in the Humanities
103 Scheide Caldwell

“Writing the Waves: John Tzetzes and the Allegory of Book 18 of the Iliad”

Alberto Ravani, Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies
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