Calendar of Events

102 Woolworth Princeton, NJ, United States

Instruments of Global Music Theory—Conference

Department of Music, Humanities Council
Matthews Theatre at McCarter Theatre Center Princeton, United States

Andy Borowitz: Profiles In Ignorance

Andy Borowitz

McCarter Theatre Center
201 Wooten Hall

Fear and Loathing in the Movies

Department of Philosophy; Humanities Council; University Center for Human Values
Princeton University

Cervantes Global | Global Cervantes

Humanities Council Magic Grant

Ritual and Materiality in Buddhism and Asian Religions

Liu Shu-fen, Academia Sinica
Zoom Princeton, NJ, United States

After the Yalta by Piotrowski: Questioning Europe in the history of art and architecture

Princeton University Graduate School, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Princeton Polish Society, Centre André Chastel
Princeton Senior Resource Center 101 Poor Farm Road, Princeton, NJ

Friends of Princeton University Library Small Talk: “When Democracy Was Threatened a Century Ago”

Adam Hochschild

Friends of Princeton University Library
North Gallery, School of Architecture Princeton, United States

Exhibition Opening – Resilient Coasts: Forests and Adaptation

Guy Nordenson, Architecture; Paul Lewis, Architecture

School of Architecture
Princeton University

Seuls en Scène – Princeton French Theater Festival

Lewis Center for the Arts; Department of French and Italian; L’Avant-Scène
Hurley Gallery, Lewis Arts complex

Mindscapes Unveiled, an exhibition by Chanika Svetvilas

Department of African American Studies' Ida B. Wells Just Data Lab; Lewis Center for the Arts
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