Calendar of Events

Betts Auditorium

Svetlana Kana Radević: Aggregate Assemblies, 2023 Womxn in Design and Architecture Conference

School of Architecture
301 Wooten Hall

Ancient Graeco-Roman Medicine and Biology Workshop

Department of Philosophy; Department of Classics
Berlind Theatre at McCarter Theatre Center

Felon: An American Washi Tale by Reginald Dwayne Betts

Lewis Center for the Arts' Program in Theater; McCarter Theatre
Art on Hulfish 11 Hulfish St, Princeton

L’Avant-Scène presents Les Caprices de Marianne by Musset & La seconde surprise de l’amour by Marivaux

Department of French and Italian; L’Avant-Scène
103 Chancellor Green

Take No for An Answer. Reclaiming the French Canon Through the Female Gaze.

Jennifer Tamas, Rutgers University

Department of French and Italian
Princeton Public Library and Livestream

LLL Presents: The World and All That It Holds: A Novel

Aleksandar Hemon, Lewis Center for the Arts

Princeton Public Library; Labyrinth Books; Lewis Center for the Arts; Humanities Council
Room N107, School of Architecture Room N107, School of Architecture, Princeton, NJ, United States

Media and Modernity Doctoral Colloquium | Spring 2023

Program in Media and Modernity
217 Aaron Burr Hall

COLECTIVO LASTESIS | Decolonial Activisms: Feminist Performance / Activismos decoloniales: Performance feminista

Department of Comparative Literature
School of Architecture and Zoom

Mellon Forum // Practicing Palimpsestry: Archives, Counter-mapping, and Spatial Storytelling

Amir Sheikh, University of Washington; Will Davis, Princeton-Mellon / PIIRS Fellow

Princeton Mellon Initiative in Architecture, Urbanism & the Humanities
1-S-5 Green Hall 1-S-5 Green Hall, Princeton, NJ, United States

The role of demonstratives across languages

Dorothy Ahn

Program in Linguistics
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Humanistic Studies Logo
Ancient World Logo
Canadian Studies Logo
ESC Logo
Journalism Logo
Linguistics Logo
Medieval Studies Logo
Renaissance Logo
Film Studies Logo