Calendar of Events

202 Jones Hall and Zoom 202 Jones Hall, NJ

Degrade and Destroy: How the U.S. Defeated the Islamic State?

Michael R. Gordon, The Wall Street Journal

Institute for Transregional Studies, NES
Zoom Princeton, NJ, United States

Doublespeak in ancient Greek and modern Ethiopian satire

Sarah Derbew

Department of Classics
219 Aaron Burr Hall

The Rose and Isaac Ebel Lecture

Alma Heckman

The Program in Judaic Studies and the Ronald O. Perelman Institute for Judaic Studies
Room N107, School of Architecture Room N107, School of Architecture, Princeton, NJ, United States

Program in Media and Modernity Event: A Black Gaze

Tina M. Campt

Richardson Auditorium Richardson Auditorium, Princeton, NJ, United States

Atelier@Large: Conversations on Art-making in a Vexed Era – Jennifer Egan & Michael J. Love

Jennifer Egan, Author; Michael J. Love, 2021-23 Princeton Arts Fellow; Paul Muldoon, Princeton Atelier

Betts Auditorium and Zoom Princeton, NJ, United States

Mellon Forum // Race Empire Environment // The Politics of Dwelling

Gregory Valdespino, Princeton-Mellon / PIIRS Fellow, with Jacob Dlamini, History

Princeton Mellon Initiative
216 Aaron Burr Hall , United States

Un Apocalipsis Bíblico: Guerra de Vietnam, Religión y Orden Ecológico en la Obra de León Ferrari

Agustín Díez Fischer

Program in Latin American Studies
1-S-5 Green Hall 1-S-5 Green Hall, Princeton, NJ, United States

“Us” as “one”: First person plurals as impersonals in Mayan

Carol Rose Little

Program in Linguistics
50 McCosh Hall 50 McCosh Hall, Princeton, NJ, United States

2022 Princeton University Constitution Day

Rich Benjamin, Author; Rosina Lozano, History; Rhacel Parreñas, University of Southern California; Patricia Fernández-Kelly, Sociology, Effron Center for the Study of America

Effron Center for the Study of America; Office of the Provost
203 Scheide Caldwell House

LAMB Workshop: Preliminary Remarks on Thomas Hélye and the Miracula Antiqua

Alice Morandy

Program in Medieval Studies, Sponsored by the departments of Art & Archaeology, English, History, Religion, and Classics
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