Calendar of Events

101 Friend Center

Fatal Forgiveness: Euripides, Austin, Cavell, Arendt

Bonnie Honig, Brown University

University Center for Human Values
010 East Pyne Princeton, NJ, United States

The Art of Losing or The Afterlives of the Algerian War: A Conversation with Alice Zeniter

Alice Zeniter, novelist; André Benhaim, French and Italian; Gyan Prakash, History

Department of French and Italian; Humanities Council
102 Jones 102 Jones, Princeton, NJ, United States

PISC workshop: “Are There Post-Mamluk Encyclopedias? Yusuf al-Shirbīni’s Hazz al-Quhuf (c. 1097/1686)”

Tom Abi Samra, Near Eastern Studies

Near Eastern Studies Department; Department of Religion
209 Scheide Caldwell 209 Scheide Caldwell, Princeton, NJ, United States

LAMB Workshop: ‘Lapidatores, Percussores Urbisque Depopulatores’: Urban Violence in the Chronicle of Marcellinus Comes

Radka Pallová, History

Program in Medieval Studies; Center for Collaborative History; Departments of Art & Archaeology, English, Religion, and Classics
Betts Auditorium

Violence on Land and Body

Jordan Weber, regenerative land sculptor

School of Architecture
Green Hall 3C3 and Zoom

Angelus Novus-Balancing Act from the Cosmological, Architectonic, Moral and Aesthetic Points of View

Attilio Pizzigone, University of Bergamo; Vittorio Paris, University of Bergamo; Erika A. Kiss, University Center for Human Values; Sigrid Adriaenssens, Civil and Environmental Engineering; Chris Tully, Physics

University Center for Human Values
216 Aaron Burr Hall , United States

La Pisada Del Ñandú / The Rhea’s Footprint

Mag De Santo & Duen Neka'hen Sacchi, artists and curators

Program in Latin American Studies, Program in Gender and Sexuality Studies, Department of Spanish and Portuguese
211 Dickinson Hall or Zoom

4th Annual Mid-Atlantic Ottomanist Workshop

Center for Collaborative History
James Stewart Film Theater, 185 Nassau Street Princeton, United States

“Language and the Irish Novel,” a talk and reading by Barry McCrea

Fund for Irish Studies; Lewis Center for the Arts
A71 Louis A. Simpson Building

Documentary Screening & Panel Discussion “A Spear Through the Heart”

Fantu Demisse, Hachalu Hundessa Foundation; Awol Allo, UCHV and film executive producer; Bruno Sorrentino, director and editor; Wendy Belcher, Comparative Literature and African American Studies

Fung Global Fellows Program
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