Seuls en Scène – Princeton French Theater Festival
Princeton UniversitySeuls en Scène brings celebrated French actors and directors, as well as promising early-career artists, to Princeton University and the local community to present their work, introducing American audiences to […]
The Chinua Achebe Symposium and 10th Anniversary Memorial Celebration
50 McCosh Hall 50 McCosh Hall, PrincetonPrinceton University’s Africa World Initiative and Program in African Studies in partnership with The Christie and Chinua Achebe Foundation are hosting the Chinua Achebe Symposium and 10th Anniversary Memorial celebration […]
Innovation Forum
Frist Multipurpose Room Frist Multipurpose RoomInnovation Forum is the Keller Center's annual competition and networking event showcasing Princeton research with commercialization, or cultural and societal potential. Princeton faculty, research staff, postdocs, and graduate students present […]
Structuring Itelmen Word Order
1-S-5 Green Hall 1-S-5 Green Hall, PrincetonWord order in Itelmen (itl, Chukotko-Kamchatkan) is quite flexible and has not been previously studied in any depth. This talk draws on a small text corpus to investigate the role […]
Concert: “Greek Rock Sounds: Rhythms and Riffs Across Cultures” featuring PANEL
301 Frist Campus TheaterBuilding upon last year’s successful event with Sounds of Cyprus, musicians from the Princeton Hellenic Studies community will collaborate in a concert performance with PANEL, by Elena Chris and Peter […]
Timbuktu Grooves Festival: Once the Dust Settles Flowers Bloom
Matthews Theatre at McCarter Theatre Center PrincetonOlivier Tarpaga‘s humanist piece Once the Dust Settles Flowers Bloom is the first of three concerts in the Timbuktu Grooves Festival celebrating the vibrant sounds and rhythms of the African […]