The Curious Humanist: Siegfried Kracauer in America
Johannes von Moltke, U Michigan and A.O. Scott, NY Times
December 1, 2016 · 6:00 pm—7:30 pm · Labyrinth Books

During the Weimar Republic, Siegfried Kracauer established himself as a trenchant theorist of film, culture, and modernity, and he is now considered one of the key thinkers of the twentieth century. Last spring, film scholar Johannes von Moltke joined the distinguished film critic A.O. Scott to discuss Scott’s new book on film and criticism together at Labyrinth, and they are now returning to reverse the roles. It promises to be another special occasion; please join us.
Johannes von Moltke is Professor and Chair of Screen Arts and Cultures and Professor and Chair of Germanic Languages and Literatures at the University of Michigan. He is the author of No Place Like Home: Locations of Heimat in German Cinema and the editor of two volumes of writings by and about Siegfried Kracauer. A.O. Scott has been a film critic at the New York Times since 2000. A finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in criticism in 2010, Scott is currently Professor of Film Criticism at Wesleyan University. He is the author of Better Living Through Criticism: How to Think about Art, Pleasure, Beauty, and Truth.
Free and open to the public.