Brutal Aesthetics: Dubuffet, Bataille, Jorn, Paolozzi, Oldenburg
Hal Foster, Art and Archaeology; Yve Alain Bois, Institute for Advanced Study
December 2, 2020 · 6:00 pm · Livestream
Labyrinth Books; Humanities Council

Hal Foster and Yve Alain Bois in Conversation
In Brutal Aesthetics, leading art historian Hal Foster (Art and Archaeology) explores how postwar artists and writers searched for a new foundation of culture after the massive devastation of World War II, the Holocaust, and the atomic bomb. Inspired by the notion that modernist art can teach us how to survive a civilization become barbaric, Foster examines the various ways that key figures from the early 1940s to the early 1960s sought to develop a “brutal aesthetics” adequate to the destruction around them. He is joined in conversation by fellow art historian Yve-Alain Bois, who specializes in 20th century European and American art.
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