Racing The Classics
Organizers: Dan-el Padilla Peralta, Classics; Sasha-Mae Eccleston, Brown
March 16, 2018—March 17, 2018 · 103 Chancellor Green
Department of Classics, Humanities Council

“Racing the Classics” is a two-day working conference dedicated to using and developing critical theories of race and ethnicity in all aspects of the field. The event brings together scholars whose work on ancient Greek and Roman culture has demonstrated a thorough consideration of race, ethnicity, and intersectionality to workshop writing and to build a critical feedback network for future projects; it seeks to pave new paths forward for what counts as knowledge in Classics and how we work together to produce that knowledge.
Organized by Dan-el Padilla Peralta (Classics) and Sasha-Mae Eccleston (Brown)
Emily Greenwood (Yale)
Patrice Rankine (Richmond)
Rosa Andújar (King’s College London)
Harriet Fertik (New Hampshire)
Marcus Folch (Columbia)
Armando García ( UC Riverside)
Tom Hawkins (Ohio State)
Mathias Hanses (Penn State)
Rebecca Futo Kennedy (Denison)
Adam Lecznar (University College London)
Lyra Monteiro (Rutgers)
Heidi Morse (Michigan)
Jackie Murray (Kentucky)
Caroline Stark (Howard)
A Humanities Council Global Initiative co-sponsored by the Department of Classics, Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies (PIIRS), Postclassicisms, and Brown University