106 McCormick 106 McCormick, Princeton, NJ, United States

Orlando Furioso as Paradoxical Source of Early Italian Epic Theory

Daniel Javitch

Program in Italian Studies
106 McCormick 106 McCormick, Princeton, NJ, United States


Gregory Levine, University of California, Berkeley

Department of Art and Archaeology and the Tang Center for East Asian Art
106 McCormick 106 McCormick, Princeton, NJ, United States

From Ife to Ifranji: Materials in a World System, circa 1300

Sarah Guérin, University of Pennsylvania

Department of Art and Archaeology
106 McCormick 106 McCormick, Princeton, NJ, United States

Agents of Changes in the Material Culture of the Empire: Technical and Aesthetical Innovations at the Abbasid Court

Stefan Heidemann, Hamburg University

Art and Archaeology
106 McCormick 106 McCormick, Princeton, NJ, United States

Investigating a Minoan Coastal Town in East Crete: New Work at Palaikastro, 2012–16

Carl Knapett, University of Toronto

Department of Art and Archaeology
106 McCormick 106 McCormick, Princeton, NJ, United States

Michelangelo and paper as palimpsest: drawings, letters, records, and sonnets

Mauro Mussolin, Metropolitan Museum of Art

Art and Archaeology
106 McCormick 106 McCormick, Princeton, NJ, United States

Alberti’s Eye—The Body of Vision

Friedrich Teja Bach, Old Dominion Visiting Fellow in Art and Archaeology and the Humanities Council

Art and Archaeology
106 McCormick 106 McCormick, Princeton, NJ, United States

Oil, Amber, Fire, Smoke: Greek Art beyond Materials

Richard Neer, University of Chicago

Department of Art and Archaeology
106 McCormick 106 McCormick, Princeton, NJ, United States

Abydos, Egypt: Landscape of Kings, Landscape of Myth

Matthew Adams, Institute of Fine Arts, NYU

Art and Archaeology
106 McCormick 106 McCormick, Princeton, NJ, United States

A History of Detail

Briony Fer, University College, London

Art and Archaeology
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