Nigel Smith

William and Annie S. Paton Foundation Professor of Ancient and Modern Literature; Professor of English

Nigel Smith

61 McCosh Hall


Nigel Smith is Co-Director of the Center for the Study of Books and Media at Princeton. He came to Princeton from the University of Oxford, England, in 1999.

He has published mostly on early modern literature, especially the seventeenth century; his work is interdisciplinary by inclination and training. His interests have included poetry; poetic theory; the social role of literature; literature, politics and religion; literature and visual art; heresy and heterodoxy; radical literature; early prose fiction; women’s writing; journalism; censorship; the early modern public sphere; travel; the history of linguistic ideas. The authors he has covered include Shakespeare, Jonson, Donne, Herbert, Milton, Marvell, Hobbes, Margaret Cavendish, Katherine Philips.

See his full bio.

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