FRONTIER SPIRIT: Paul R. Williams in California and Nevada | Photographs by Janna Ireland
North Gallery, School of Architecture PrincetonFrom 2016 to 2022, award-winning photographer Janna Ireland captured the built works of Paul Revere Williams (1894–1980), the first Black architect licensed in the western region of the United States and the first Black member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA). At his Los Angeles-based office, Williams worked on architectural projects spanning in scope […]
How to be a Journalist in an Age of Autocracy
Chancellor Green Rotunda PrincetonJelani Cobb, Dean of the Columbia Journalism School and staff writer for The New Yorker, will be in conversation with Steve Coll, the former Dean and visiting senior editor for The Economist, concerning the lessons journalists learned during the previous Trump presidency and the ways they are dealing with his return. Eliza Griswold, Director of […]
Immediate Time
100 Jones HallImmediate time is a category that recently seems to have attracted much attention. And, yet, what is it? This talk considers how an interest in “immediacy” developed in the eighteenth century as a solution to the challenge of grasping the intersections of time and timelessness. This challenge had often been tackled as a theological problem, […]
The Practice of Signs: Semiotics as a research subject, a methodological toolbox, and a creative endeavor
202 Jones HallThe third talk in a lecture series on Introducing Interpretive Semiotics, for the Humanities and Social Sciences. This lecture will discuss three different aspects and possibilities of application of semiotics as a wide, open terrain of intervention. Semiotics is primarily a discipline that studies sense-making, that is, the study of how living entities make sense […]
There is a crack in everything. Introduction to the Frankfurt School, Critical Theory and Negative Dialectics.
215 East PyneThe thought of the so-called Frankfurt School—of Theodor W. Adorno, Max Horkheimer and their colleagues—can be considered one of the most significant innovations in 20th-century philosophy. Concepts like the dialectic of enlightenment, the culture industry, and Adorno’s notion of the Non-Identical have become both canonical and, at times, mystified. In this reading group, we will […]
Magic (Post) Realism: Little Otik (Czech Republic – 2000)
301 Julis Romo Rabinowitz BuildingLittle Otik | Directed by - Jan Švankmajer (Czech Republic – 2000) Karel Horák and Božena Horáková are a childless couple, and on medical reasons are doomed to remain so. While on vacation in the country, Karel decides to buy the house they are staying in and while fixing it, he digs up a tree […]