Calendar of Events

010 East Pyne Princeton, NJ, United States

Missing Universality: Absence and Politics

Todd McGowan

Department of Comparative Literature
CoLab Gallery, Lewis Arts Complex

Ask Your Questions, a Belknap Visiting Fellows Residency with Daniel Alexander Jones

Daniel Alexander Jones

Lewis Center for the Arts’ Program in Theater
Zoom Princeton, NJ, United States

‘Asfüriyyeh: A History of Madness, Modernity, and War in the Middle East

Joelle Abi-Rached

The Institute for the Transregional Study, NES
A17 Julis Romo Rabinowitz Building Washington Rd., Princeton, NJ, United States

Writers In Conversation: On Migration, Language and the Stories of Our Lives

Linnea Axelsson, Art Scholar & Author; Aleksandar Hemon, Lewis Center for the Arts; Saskia Vogel, PIIRS Translator in Residence; Moderated by John Freeman, Writer and Editor

Program in Translation & Intercultural Communication; Lewis Center for the Arts Program in Creative Writing; Department of Comparative Literature
East Pyne 010 and Zoom Princeton, NJ, United States

Major Corrections: the Materialist Philology of Sebastiano Timpanaro

Tom Geue

Department of Classics
A71 Louis A. Simpson Building

The E. Franklin Robbins/UJA-Federation Lecture – Ilana Pardes

Ilana Pardes

219 Aaron Burr Hall 219 Aaron Burr Hall, Princeton, NJ, United States

Poison and politics: toward a (pre-modern?) theory of community and communication

David Nirenberg, Institute for Advanced Study

Program in Medieval Studies
Room N107, School of Architecture Room N107, School of Architecture, Princeton, NJ, United States

On the Bias

Alexander R. Galloway

Program in Media and Modernity
Betts Auditorium and Zoom Princeton, NJ, United States

Mellon Forum: RACE EMPIRE ENVIRONMENT // Remapping Afro-Caribbean Landscapes

Mary Pena, Princeton-Mellon Fellow; S.E. Eisterer, Architecture

216 Aaron Burr Hall , United States

Latin America: The Temptation of Authoritarianism

Sergio Ramírez, Former Vice President of Nicaragua; Visiting Lecturer, Spanish and Portuguese & PLAS

Program in Latin American Studies
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