Calendar of Events

209 Scheide Caldwell

Taxing the Rich in the Just City: Cicero and Dionysius on Fiscal Fairness

Andrew Monson

Program in the Ancient World
301 Wooten Hall

Alfred Hitchcock and the Ideology of Absolute Music

John Butt, University of Glasgow

Department of Philosophy; Humanities Council; Committee for Film Studies
Green Hall 3-S-15

Paying Attention: Images of Monuments on Roman Imperial Coins

Francesco de Angelis

Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) and the Program in Archaeology
202 Jones Hall

The Visuality of Writing in Colonial Korea

Yoon Jeong Oh

East Asian Studies Program
James S. Hall Memorial Gallery, Butler College, Bogle Hall

Interworlds: HMEI 2022 Summer Intern Art Show Reception

Connie Gong '25, Patrick Newcombe '25, Magdalena Poost '23, Felicia Sanders '25, Yi Jin Toh '25, Bracklinn Willians '25, Barron Bixler, HMEI

High Meadows Environmental Institute; Butler College
Princeton Theological Seminary Chapel 64 Mercer Street, Princeton, NJ, United States

LUDUS presents ModernMedieval Voices: Hildegard of Bingen, The Living Word


LUDUS, A Collaborative Humanities Project from the Humanities Council
161 East Pyne and Zoom

“Horses, Wheels, and Languages. Indo-European in the Ancient Near East.”

Tom Davies

Department of Classics
205 East Pyne and Zoom

Romanticism and the Material Fragment

Catriona MacLeod

German Department
McCosh Hall, Room 10

Fury and Justice in the Humanities

Judith Butler

The Eberhard L. Faber 1915 Memorial Fund in the Humanities Council; Department of English
321 East Pyne 321 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ, United States

Hidden in Plain Sight: the Rediscovery of an Italian Classic

Michael F. Moore

Department of French and Italian
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