When Pages Breathe: Immersive Elocution of Literature, an installation
CoLab Gallery, Lewis Arts ComplexLecturer in Theater Chesney Snow and students in his fall course, “The Oral Interpretation of Toni and William,” present a multimedia oral interpretation of literature installation that examines speech as […]
“Sensory Stimuli And The Construction Of Monarchical Power In Roman Processions”
203 Scheide Caldwell HouseThis workshop will focus on the sensory stimuli associated with the image of the Roman emperor in religious processions. Starting from one of the basic premises of studies on sensoriality […]
Africa & Byzantium at The Met
010 East PyneArt history has long emphasized the glories of the Byzantine Empire (circa 330–1453), but less known are the profound artistic contributions of North Africa, Egypt, Nubia, Ethiopia, and other powerful […]
“EHL and ART478 Present… A Viking Funeral!”
Chancellor Green Rotunda PrincetonThe students from ART478 “The Vikings: History and Archaeology” will present their final research projects as a collaborative scripted performance of a Viking funeral. The event is open to the […]
Gastronativism: Food, Identity, Politics
016 Robertson HallBook Talk by Fabio Parasecoli The table unites and divides: it connects those who get to sit around it and excludes those who have not been invited. In recent decades […]
“1784, Year of Quiet Revolutions in North American Empires” | Colonial and Revolutionary Americas Workshop
211 Dickinson HallThe pre-circulated paper will be available one-week prior to the workshop. The paper will be available to the Princeton University community via SharePoint. All others should request a copy of […]