When Pages Breathe: Immersive Elocution of Literature, an installation
CoLab Gallery, Lewis Arts ComplexLecturer in Theater Chesney Snow and students in his fall course, “The Oral Interpretation of Toni and William,” present a multimedia oral interpretation of literature installation that examines speech as an aspect of fine art through the exploration of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, as well as the literary canons of iconic American writer […]
“Belonging to a ‘Lost’ Island: Sovereignty, Memory, and Landscape on Imbros”
203 Scheide Caldwell HouseThe 1923 Treaty of Lausanne established the present borders between Greece and Turkey and led to a compulsory population exchange that transformed all aspects of life in the region. The […]
When Pages Breathe: Adaptation of Modern Classics with Pulitzer Prize-winning Hodder Fellow Martyna Majok
CoLab Gallery, Lewis Arts ComplexJoin us for a deep dive into the art of adaptation with Pulitzer Prize winner and 2018-19 Princeton Hodder Fellow Martyna Majok and Lecturer in Theater Chesney Snow. Discover the […]
The Ovide moralisé: The Divine Comedy of Medieval France?
Robertson Hall, Room 002Speakers: Matthieu Boyd ('03), Professor of Literature and Chair of the School of the Humanities, Fairleigh Dickinson University Sarah-Jane Murray (*03), Associate Professor of Great Texts & Creative Writing, Honors […]
The Priest Nichiren’s Miraculous Escape from Death and Its Modern Skeptics: Negotiating History and Myth in a Japanese Buddhist Tradition
219 Aaron Burr HallThe Danforth Lecture in the Study of Religion The Priest Nichiren’s Miraculous Escape from Death and Its Modern Skeptics: Negotiating History and Myth in a Japanese Buddhist Tradition Jacqueline I. […]