A Conversation with Peruvian Filmmaker Melina León
Zoom PrincetonOct 3, 2023, 11:00 am – 12:20 pm Oct 3, 2023, 1:30 pm – 2:50 pm Please join us for a special Q&A in Spanish with Peruvian filmmaker Melina León […]
The Future of Hong Kong: Is free speech dead?
16 Joseph Henry HouseThe widespread 2019 protests in Hong Kong, and the imposition of a sweeping new National Security Law the following year, irrevocably changed the fabric of this once open and free-wheeling […]
Princeton University Library Author Talk: Ryo Morimoto “Nuclear Ghost”
Firestone Library, Classroom A-6F"There is a nuclear ghost in Minamisōma." This is how one resident describes a mysterious experience following the 2011 nuclear fallout in coastal Fukushima. Investigating the nuclear ghost among the […]
Homer’s Hippiad: From the First Deaths to the Last Word
A71 Louis A. Simpson BuildingMules are the first deaths in the timeline of the poem; the last word of the poem is ἱπποδάμοιο, “breaker of horses.” In between, horses (and mules) share with men […]
“Birdcalls: A roundtable”
Room N107, School of Architecture Room N107, School of Architecture, PrincetonFor this work, sometimes referred to as “Patriarchal Rollcall”, Louise Lawler sounded out the familiar names of male artists dominating the art world in the 1970s using the chirps and […]
Panel: Creativity in the Age of ChatGPT
Community Room, Princeton Public Library Community Rm, Princeton Public Library, 65 Witherspoon Street, Princeton, PrincetonJoin us for a panel discussion featuring a diverse set of voices from the tech industry, journalism, the arts, and higher education. Participants will consider how ChatGPT, and generative AI […]
ALTHEA Reading: by Ling Ma & Sandra Cisneros
Drapkin Studio at Lewis Arts complex PrincetonFiction writer Ling Ma, author of the novel Severance and the story collection Bliss Montage, and MacArthur Foundation Fellow and National Medal of Arts-winning writer Sandra Cisneros read from their […]